MungBeansAreTerrible [they/them,any]

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Joined 5 years ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2020

  • Feels more like cosmic irony than karma to me, since he's lived a long life of power and wealth, while being a rapist and an unimaginably awful human being. Him dying now, as hilarious as that would be, doesn't even begin to settle that debt.

  • No, you're right. I was going more for teasing than a "you don't know what you're talking about, let me correct you."

    In all seriousness, the first half is pretty good if you like dystopian mega city stuff like Bladerunner, but the second half goes off the rails in a way that turns a lot of people off.

  • I don't think anyone is telling you to radicalize random photography bloggers on Twitter. Like, whether you see radicalizing people as your personal responsibility is neither here nor there to me, but I'm pretty sure you're supposed to start with people you know and are already comfortable talking to. It should start with people you have or can develop a rapport with.

    And even if you want to use online spaces for some kind of praxis, Twitter is the worst possible place imaginable for it. It's like going to a football game and hashing out politics with people sitting on the other side of the field.

  • We were emotionally abusive to each other

    I dislike her and think she mistreated me

    She told me we were better off apart and goodbye.

    I'll just be blunt. Leave her the fuck alone and talk with your therapist about your intrusive guilty feelings, even if you have to move up your appointment. No good can come from talking to someone you feel was abusive, know you were abusive towards, claim to dislike, still resent on some level, etc, and you feeling bad about the past is itself an inherently self-centered motivation.

    I'm definitely not trying to judge you or look down on you, but based on your own description, this sounds like a colossally bad idea that will only lead to more guilt and pain.

  • MungBeansAreTerrible [they/them,any]togunsWe need to talk about body armor
    4 years ago

    Carrier plate armor is also only really useful if you're being shot at from the front, which is why soldiers today are taught to square up when standing and firing in armor, and not face their off-hand side toward their target like historical infantrymen stood. Side armor exists, but it adds even more weight, has to be smaller for mobility's sake, and is generally less effective. It takes training to wear and use it effectively, and not just physical fitness training.

    Point being, modern body armor is useless unless the bullets are going to be hitting where your armor is, which is unlikely when talking about a protestor resisting a police phalanx, trying to avoid a maniac in a dodge challenger, or being ambushed by a right wing terrorist.