like did it go out of style after the red scare or some shit? fucking pussies can't even use like the easiest term at their disposal
When people think of Communists they think of foreign totalitarian powers and it doesn't feel real. Antifa is made up of people from your neighborhood and they wear black and commit violence on people in your community. Antifa isn't an actual group so you can fabricate an idea of them for your supporters. With Communists you'd have to get into ideology and that's boring. Burning dumpsters are exciting and get people riled up.
This is a good point. If they were railing against communism, some people might actually do some research and learn about what this communism stuff is all about.
Case in point: watching republicans call their own healthcare reform "socialism" for 8 years made me go learn about socialism out of sheer spite, "because I know it ain't you fuckers"
Not only that but they would have to enter into an ideological debate with communism. They don't want to do that because it takes focus away from pure winning.
also there are actual communist parties that can say "okay but no, and we have an alibi."
also they did use to call everyone to the left of themselves communists and socialists but then it was leading to a rise in popularity of those ideologies they just don't want to spread a term that will lead to people googling "what is communism?"
With Communists you’d have to get into ideology and that’s boring. Burning dumpsters are exciting and get people riled up.
anarkiddies lol
Honestly I think it's because ANTIFA sounds scarier.
Also, the red and the black. Communist and Anarchist. Bashing the fash is for all of us leftists.
"Antifa" sounds like gibberish arabic is the real, actual reason they use it instead of communist. Communist still sounds "western," which isn't as evil.
I said I was really far left and they said l"like ANTIFA?" and I was said no like communist. Make sure to reframe that shit. Get it right.
“Like Mao, but more landlords meet guis for the first and last time.”
This is the logical conclusion of the war on terror: bringing it home. Al Qaeda and ISIS are dead in the water, they’re flotsam, so we need the new big baddie to scare the people who thought that BFI’s grain elevator was gonna take a 737 to the face. Communism has no purchase, it’s just an epithet at this point that can be applied to anything that is against the conservative ideology. ANTIFA, on the other hand, “feels” like a cohesive group with a radical ideology and with mysterious leaders. And they believe it. You could explain that “antifa” is just a contraction of “anti fascist” meaning anyone who is opposed to fascism (and specifically Nazism if you want to be historically literal) is ANTIFA. But they’d insist that it’s not that, because they hate Nazis and fascists, but they also hate “ANTIFA.” The big trouble too is that Americans don’t understand what communism and fascism mean, at least at the economic level. The US has been quasi-fascist since WWII due to the relation between state and capital. That’s not because of any social issues or aesthetics, it’s because the state and capital have been roommates-with-benefits since the rise of the military industrial complex and the subsidizing of agriculture. That’s technically a core component of fascism. The vulgar part of fascism has existed in one form or another since the damn country was founded! The cultural problem is that Americans are largely ignorant, and I suspect that’s on purpose. Most chuds I know just do the “lol communism no food gulag!” But if you were to identify as an “ANTIFA” they’d be ready to sell you out because they think ANTIFA is a terrorist org and not an ideology, while they view “communist” as a meme worth mocking.
Exactly. The US has conducted fascism the smart way. Allow the people their ornamental freedoms, but the moment they pose an actual threat is when you bring down the hammer. It’s an insidious system that is designed to only kill those who pose an actual threat to it.
Listen, I know were recycling the plot But we gotta change a few details or they’ll accuse us of copying the old one.
Conservatives already do call antifa communists. You apparently just don't spend a lot of your time consuming right wing propaganda. If you google "communist antifa" (or for this purpose, even better if you use a shitty engine like Bing, since google does more to manipulate their results) and scroll past the Wikipedia entries, you see MSM articles pushing back against the idea that antifa is a communist front. If you go a page past that, you start to see tons of articles and blog posts pushing the idea that antifa were historically a 5th column out to overthrow liberal democracy, were funded by east-german and soviet secret police, etc.
Hell, even WaPo was publishing editorials pushing this idea as far back as 3 years ago.
Antifa members are the violent advocates of a murderous ideology that, according to “The Black Book of Communism,” killed between 85 million and 100 million people last century.
They're never not calling leftists communists. I suspect that American leftists and liberals have just kind of learned to tune it out.
In 2010, he published the book Courting Disaster: How the C.I.A. Kept America Safe and How Barack Obama Is Inviting the Next Attack, which defended the use of torture during the George W. Bush administration, and claimed that the Obama administration's rejection of torture might lead to American deaths.[2]
s u b h u m a n
I'll tell you exactly why: because the right has been calling everything from the metric system to diet soda communism for a generation. So when they start calling a new thing communism, most people already know how much attention to pay.
They hate the premise of being called a fascist so much they have to denigrate the term antifa and try to rob it of its meaning by giving it a negative connotation
Maybe on some level they realize it makes them sound like little kids trying on their father's epithets.
Because they read even less theory than we do and just make it up as they go along.
Its me, I'm that single dude President and CEO of Antifa LLC and its parent company Marx Corp.
As the CEO of Antifa, my master plan to take down the US is to sit back and smoke weed while climate change and the contradictions of capitalism destroy the country. There's nothing the feds can do to foil this plan, other than pass the green new deal of course.
I mean, they do call anyone left of Ted Cruz a communist, so it's not like the term holds much weight for them.