Cool, so we send the military into Memphis or wherever with guns and big megaphones "everyone with opinions we don't like please gather in the street"
Go on
Cool, so we send the military into Memphis or wherever with guns and big megaphones "everyone with opinions we don't like please gather in the street"
Go on
What's a "black chud" btw? and how do we go about rounding them all up? Very curious.
Average user in 2022 when the "vaccine wars" in Haiti and Africa have started: "this is good actually. What? you don't trust the science? You're a chud dude."
Gonna go ahead and screenshot this before I get banned for my chud take that black people shouldn't be forcefully vaxxed at gunpoint. Jesus y'all are beyond parody at this point gunpoint is kinda the thing here. Jesus, y'all actually are this stupid.
Really can't tell anymore if you dirtbag leftists are being ironic or are just this stupid
Last I checked a lot of people in Africa and other places are understandably very wary to have a US vaccine forced on them
You sound like a idiot. Don't forget all the black people people etc you'd have to force at gunpoint too
He's the neolib lizard brain incarnate.
It is pretty clearly the peak of corporate "green washed mindset". The "response" to climate change is being planned and managed by the same corporate state that is responsible for it. It's the best example rn of how reformism doesn't work. It just allows the system to morph into its next form, while fooling people that its progressive
Exactly. This is 100% the kind of shit im worried libs and lefties are going to fully embrace if it is pitched to them as "doing their part". All the while the ruling class will be stacking money and consolidating power, while you can't leave yr apt cuz it will cost 5 demerits, like in Philip k dicks Ubik or something
This is a horrible idea imo because it puts the responsibility on individuals and not on the giant corporate/states that are responsible for this. Also the rules of this carbon cap will be determined by the very same corrupt corporate states, who would no doubt use it to emisserate and oppress the masses.
Your just going to encounter some assholes in life no way around it. If yr odds are 1 in 200 that's pretty good imo.
I live in the south too in a pretty rural area. People are pretty chill, there is kind of a libertarian "you do your thing, I do mine" attitude. There are a bunch of transplants moving here from NYC and Cali and honestly I like the locals way better. Most of them at least think the system/ the government is fucked up, whereas the lib transplants are just insane pod people, marketers/entrepreneurs/spreadsheet makers.
Nah, the Dems gotta run badass girl boss Kamala I think? She could just make The Office style looks into the camera and smirk at the debates.
Also, I'm pretty mad at you for making me think about the fuckin presidential election already. Pretty sure I'm gonna cancel the wifi at my house for like 18 months to avoid all this meaningless shit.
One of the greatest dunks on Twitter ever was norm mcdonald calling bullshit on tyson's "the universe is cold and uncaring" tweet. He really ruined Cosmos too. Sagan's version was all (very stoned voice) "the universe is an endlessly complex mystery eternally unfolding". And Tyson's was just a didactic bummer of "isn't it great that science has everything totally figured out now"
Funny that he went on to make Mindhunter, which basically plays right into the whole true crime craze in a lot of ways
Liberal ideas and right wing ideas are woven in everywhere. How visible they are is another thing. Libs just know to keep their homophobic or racist thoughts to themself imo, or couch them in some glossy idpol.
Anyway, from my experience, so called progressive cities are just expensive/gentrified/yuppy echo chambers. And they have all kinda mushed together into very similar cities at this point.
Maybe breaking down everyone into broadly defined stereotypes is a shitty way to live. People are more complex irl than on reddit or whatever.
Got it backwards buddy. You got losers on here voicing full support for forced vaccinations at gunpoint. I ain't the one with the problem. Do you realize how insane and repulsive this sounds to anyone who isnt an irony poisoned internet leftist? Y'all have literally zero support from the people because they see right thru yr bullshit