Unironically provide vaccines to Americans at gunpoint. Its the only way for chuds.
You sound like a idiot. Don't forget all the black people people etc you'd have to force at gunpoint too
:I-was-saying: Give the black chuds vaccines at gunpoint also
Really can't tell anymore if you dirtbag leftists are being ironic or are just this stupid
You haven't even scratched the surface of my beautiful, smooth brain.
I'm dead serious though
would you trust anglos to actually give you vaccines and not just inject you with syphilis?
What's a "black chud" btw? and how do we go about rounding them all up? Very curious.
You see, they're the same as the regular chuds, except black.
Examples: Dave Chapelle, Candace Owens, etc
So vaccination is bad when you're doing it to a black person?
He didn't advocate to forcibly use Americans for medical research, he said they should be vaccinated damn.
...at gunpoint is kinda the thing here. Jesus, y'all actually are this stupid.
What do you think is enforcing any vaccine mandate? Even if the guns aren't literally in your face they are implied.
So you're against the government doing a good thing because they've done bad things in the past?
Got it backwards buddy. You got losers on here voicing full support for forced vaccinations at gunpoint. I ain't the one with the problem. Do you realize how insane and repulsive this sounds to anyone who isnt an irony poisoned internet leftist? Y'all have literally zero support from the people because they see right thru yr bullshit
Yeah that's my point. It was obvious where you were going with the OP, and you couldn't help but take the bait to own some hypocrites. Next time be more subtle ;)
Ok maybe I should've said ironically. Though it is very funny how all the "poor" countries that the west barely provided any vaccines with will achieve a higher vaccination rate before U.S does lmao.
It will always be funny seeing U.S getting owned.
Last I checked a lot of people in Africa and other places are understandably very wary to have a US vaccine forced on them
I was referring to India but sure.
Africa has low vaccination rate because of vaccine inequity.
it's good that we pulled out of afghanistan but in hindsight there should have been a concerted effort to pull out of andy slavitt's mom
Why not fund a international healthcare organization then? No country wants the fucking US military coming into their country for "peaceful purposes"
lets take the guys we trained to play video games and kill without mercy and send them on humanitarian missions to countries we helped ruin. what could possibly go wrong?