NoLeftLeftWhereILive [none/use name, she/her]

  • 20 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 21st, 2023


  • There's a fullblown nazi guy living next door to me and he rants to somewhere, online, so so loudly all night long several nights a week.

    And I don't know how to deal with this, it gives me all kinds of anxiety and makes me so angry. I have headphones at home at night now.

    There isn't anything I can do about this, the guy is too scary to confront as an AFAB and I can hear him talking about hurting people.

    I keep thinking about how this lumpen proletariat is just so uninformed, but it just makes it worse. This is the world the capitalis class has gotten us into, on purpose.

  • And also the fact that these companies hold no responsibility for them results in all the injuries being treated in public healthcare with tax payer money so all the cost is offloaded to whatever country the tech company drops these in. Due to my work I have some info on how much these tend to busy up the ER on weekends when folks get hurt most and it isn't hyperbole, it certaintly isn't the same as bike accidents. It's often facial injuries and stuff like losing teeth, things that could be completely mitigated with mandatory helmets.

    Also they tend to make pedestrian lanes inaccessible to disabled people. Around where I live people leave them wherever, a person on a wheelchair is not going to get around with these things littered everywhere.

    They need to be city/state run.

  • They do love to flaunt this, but they have no actual political power so it's more like a wish or what they say their goals are, not that it has an impact.

    I work with homeless people in my everyday and they are definitely not doing so well so this common Finnish country brand PR they love to say everywhere is an eternal annoyance to me when I see it on social media. It gets thrown around by libs a lot in places like Mastodon.

  • Many progressives that are having uneasy feelings about the intense austerity rallied to do democracy and voted for her in a election nobody cares about about positions that hold very little power. Now patting themselves in the back about "defeating the far right" while austerity just intensifies daily, because they have done their part.

    Aldo pretty bold statements about our Nato Left. Also interesting this is stated as the socialist left, these guys are socdem at best.

  • You'll get there. meow-hug

    For what it's worth I have only ever done the stuff I posted about, I still drink my coffee (has never made me wired), still have my night owl rhythm at weekends and all that, I stay on my screens until I go to sleep. I think I mostly just accepted I am wired different like this and love nights and just leaned into the few things that helps me spesifically to do what I must to survive this wage labor hell. But I don't like it that I have to do this. Figuring out the low dose melatonin took 3 years and I don't take it on weekends because I allow myself to be myself for these two nights a week. So mostly I am trying not to stress about making my sleep perfect or hygienic or whatever.

    This is my complicated way of saying I hope you are kind to yourself and embrace the way you are just as you are. There's a reason neurodiverse folks like us can be called and become perfect neoliberal subjects and all of these ways we try to "fix ourselves to fit in" can in themselves turn into a bit of a burnout inducing mask/performance. At the end of the day we are probably never going to have an easy time with sleep in the neurotypical sense of "easy" if we have to do it on their terms, because there are no habits.

  • I personally take melatonin, 0,5mg at least two hours before I need to fall asleep. It helps a lot, but only in this small dose and if I take it early enough.

    I also divert my brain by listening to stories from these cheap bluetooth face mask headphones. This has saved my life when it comes to working or any kind of participation where I have to stress about falling asleep/getting up early. If I wake up in the night I just turn it back on and it distracts me enough so I don't start "thinking about all the things". The stories are typically something I am interested in, but not too much. Familiar loved books work, I have done three rounds of Discworld in the last few years.

    My partner got tremendous help from a weighted blanket, for restless legs especially.

  • Sounds like these einsteins have never experienced poverty or any kind of an undeprivileged position where medication and access to healthcare is systemically disrubted all the damn time as a system feature.

    Where are all the Westerners with actual access to even basic healthcare right the f now? I mean this is again a post that only reveales the privilege and ignorance of the posters.

    This level of ignorance can only come from a consistent choice to not aknowledge the endless and constant violence the system we live in does. On every level. We live in a system of violence that was built on violence and is upheld by it. Ffs...

  • Good grief, it's been in place from 2005? I did not know that Sweden has been this far into reactionary territory for this long, although I do know a bit about the moral panics about immigrants and such, those sort of leak across the Baltic.

    Anyone aware if the face coverings in this demo were face masks (covid/health protection)? The Swedes seem to have a very weird fash aversion to them along with Finns, the playbook of herd immunity by letting the weak die pretty much came from Sweden. Stronghold of eugenism showing its true colours.