NorthStarBolshevik [none/use name]

  • 21 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: September 12th, 2020

  • My basic understanding is the developer promised some subsidized units but in my city that tends to be not targeted at the most at need.

    The alternative is it stays a golf course and there was never any serious plans for the city to build anything because a private developer owns the land.

    I'm not a local though so my knowledge is fairly limited.

  • Not building housing will definitely make things worse (see California). Some subsidized units is better than nothing and hoping for private developers to solve the problems at the absolute lowest level of the housing market isn't going to happen.

    I wish DSA had some sort of coherent housing policy but it seems like all they bring to the table is reactionary NIMBYISM.

  • I don't think DSA had much of an influence considering all their endorsed candidates lost but it's more the principle of it and having a coherent platform.

    I've been losing faith in my local DSA because they opposed a similar development in my city. We had an empty lot right next to a light rail stop and activists managed to kill it because it wasn't subsidized enough. Now the lot is empty and that neighborhood has some of the fast growing home prices in the city despite no apartment development in like 50 years. Ironically the "activist" was a middle aged white guy that lived in the neighborhood and was like the definition of gentrification. Like half of DSA are gentrifiers.

  • NorthStarBolshevik [none/use name]
    toacabI Called the Cops and I Feel Bad
    2 years ago

    I'm not sure. The house was on the other side of the alley so I didn't have a great view. I went outside a few times after calling 911 and never heard cops but I did see the lights turned off in the house shortly after I called so whatever happened must have wrapped up pretty quick.