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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Have too low IQ? Yeah sure, I guess.

    Be slower at it than the norm? Absolutely.

    I only learned Algebra by learning programming and through that I learned how to think abstractly (abstract just mean "hiding details" - think of how a child draws a car. You can't tell it's colour, brand, model, etc, yet you can tell it's a car, even though all those details are hidden). Once I got that, I was able to follow videos from MIT that taught me more of the maths, giving me a theoretic foundation for programming. Now I'm doing an Algorithm course (also MIT) and feel like an "actual programmer" (because I felt like a "fake programmer" before that - though that still sometimes returns). After that I intend to learn more about SQL because I'm painfully lacking in that regard.

    Anyway, I've been at it since 2005 when I was a 20-something kid, and there's always something new to learn.

    FYI: I made a dependency graph of a bunch of freely available MIT courses, left is a dependency for stuff on the right: https://thaumatorium.com/articles/mit-courses/

  • If someone flies the "software engineer" banner seriously, I expect them to have some theoretic knowledge besides the practical one. They would know different programming paradigms (procedural, OOP, FP), know about programming patterns, layers, UML, and at least a programming language or 4 (3 superficial, 1 in-depth).

    A software developer can be any random code-monkey picked up from the street that is self-taught and/or had a boot camp of sorts. Nothing wrong with being self-taught or boot camps, as SDs need to eat, but it lacks a certain level or rigor I would expect from a SE.

    If both had a certain amount of experience the SD would mostly catch up to the SE, in practice. Not sure if on theoretic knowledge too, but that depends.

  • Any hardware that's abandoned needs to be forced to release the source of any needed software - the latest version.

    We'd need a range of available licences, as to prevent any bullshit "you're only allowed to read this source" license.

    This is going to suck for Apple, but it's going to be great for people who pay for some expensive microscope that's not supported any more.

    There's probably a lot of legal nonsense that may make this impossible in practice, but I'd love to see this happen.

  • I didn't like the math they threw at me in the Networking course I did - back in 2006, I think. I think it was like Ohms law, but I saw that shit and noped out into a Gamedev course. And that's how I ended up Iearning Algebra: by learning how to program. Before that, math always scared me.

    Anyway, I didn't become a gamedev due to grueling hours I heard they did (fuck that - I work to live, not the other way around), and ended up becoming a data engineer.

    I learned C, C++, Java, Python, C#, Haskell, Python again (because the lack of types confused the hell out of me - glad they fixed that bit!), roughtly in that order, so I'm pretty all-rounded software engineer in general, when it comes to languages :D

  • As someone who had to develop on a super-restricted, underpowered laptop: Speed meant a LOT to me. Being able to think faster than my laptop, because I was using vscode's terminal (which is Electron based), was excruciatingly painful - Wezterm FTW! I used Alacritty, but due to windows versions pasting indented text made Alacritty indent more and more, which was a frustration for me. But I would agree that beyond a certain point speed won't matter, because when your machine can be powerful enough to run vscode smoothly, that (Electron) won't matter any more.

    Anyway, I fully agree with you; I just wanted to note that depending on the situation, speed may matter a LOT more than some may think :)

  • Because Edge broke JSON files - I couldn't search through an open JSON file anymore, because Edge decided to only partially load the file.

    That's nice and all, but stop fucking with my plain text. If I want to fuck with it, I can use my extensions, WHICH THEY DISABLED/BLOCKED...

    So yeah, back to Firefox, and it's been fine.