Nyarlathotep7 [they/them,comrade/them]

  • 7 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: May 30th, 2021


  • The Young Lords tried doing something called "revolutionary machismo" and that was deemed as a failure strategy-wise.

    Although gratified that the party had thought to include gender at all, the Women’s Caucus began to question this point, arguing that “revolutionary machismo” was a non-sequitor, or even an oxymoron, designed to keep gendered hierarchy intact. As Morales writes, one woman pointed out that “It’s like revolutionary racism. It just doesn’t make sense.”

    At one of their first meetings, caucus members conducted a close reading of the 13-point program. When they came to point 10, the women laughed. It was obvious to them that this document was written by men. The idea of positive machismo made no sense. The word machismo implied aggression towards women. This work resulted in a “YLP Position Paper on Women.” It was published as a special insert in the September 25, 1970 issue of the Young Lords bilingual newspaper, Palante. Following the position paper, the leadership revised the 13-point program. The point on women was moved from point 10 to point 5. Machismo was no longer revolutionary. Instead, the Young Lords declared “Down with Machismo!”

  • anti religious stuff is a a hard line to walk because we also dont want to invalidate people religious trauma and as someone who feels like their fathers countries culture is being corrupted by evangelicalism i have quite a few frustrations myself.

    Agreed. I'm in a similar position, I just find the way it's handled by white comrades to be not productive. Thank you for this post tho, it's great seeing everyone's responses. rat-salute-2

  • I saw the reaction toward that whole "Latin America is a part of the West" struggle sesh. It really feels like a lot of white comrades often speak over POC voices. I've felt this too when speaking about how the sort of 'Fuck God' rhetoric is so damaging when trying to agitate within Hispanic spaces. The standard hex space is fairly...white I guess? It feels it too.

    I agree with everything @Pluto said. Especially regarding the start contrast between online/offline, the MLs. None of the MLs where I'm at speak English and none of the DemSocs speak Spanish. It kind of leads to one voice dominating the other. nonEnglish posting is a great idea!

  • CPUSA is literally the oldest and largest US communist org, of course it's been infiltrated. Every org worth their salt will and has been infiltrated, we have to prepare for such things and work on vetting as well as learn from the past with things such as COINTELPRO and what feds did to the older CPUSA. We have purged before and shall continue to do so, being a communist is dangerous work but that should not paralyze us from action or leaveus waiting for the "perfect" org to come around. Actively comrades seek to change and make this org better while doing mass work.

    The CPUSA is not platforming any of those people and is much more likely to be platforming socdems like AOC or libs once election comes around. An issue we need to rectify. I think you might be conflating us with PCUSA(?) though I saw a comrade here from the org who could probably explain that.

    Yes, they do indeed have that, now as someone who leans toward maoism I don't like this. I have spoken up about this as have others, it's something that we hope to change. Though it should be clarified, the same comrades who have made this a thing, work with these orgs/comrades on the ground if need be. Every chapter has their own experiences with local maoists and trots, some better or worse than others.

  • so I read through that entire thing, where is the CPUSA? This seems entirely isolated to PCUSA and ASB, as someone who is not a member of those orgs, I can only defend the org in which I am a part of, the CPUSA. Really fucked up shit in there and very disheartening to read. I know last year the party had some info leaks due to infiltrating patsocs (who are just feds or useful idiots), some of their tactics like posting meeting info on 4chan is very similar. Except this doesn't relate to these parties being LaRouchite orgs, especially when there are amazing comrades in both orgs, trying to do good work.