• 20 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 28th, 2023


  • Pandantic@midwest.socialtoaskchapoHow do we stop AI?
    1 month ago

    This is the argument I keep making. They counter with “if the production cost of everything we need is so low that it’s negligible, then the corporations can’t price gouge without people revolting.” At which point I gesture broadly, like that SpongeBob meme where he shows all the things. One of the people I discuss this with literally says at times, “I bet it cost them 50 cents to make it, and yet it costs [amount],” and still subscribes to the AI will solve the problems logic. What’s the prognosis, do they have brainworms?

  • Pandantic@midwest.socialtoaskchapoHow do we stop AI?
    1 month ago

    I don’t know the answer but I’ve been thinking the same thing lately. Some people I talk to think it will be the great equalizer and take us closer to post-scarcity, but I just can not see how that could work in this capitalist society. Every time I see the robot dogs, I think, “well, this is what will hunt down the dissenters one day.” It’s frightening.

  • When I was in 8th grade, I ended up separated from most of my elementary friends. I had one friend that I knew, and she had the same problem the previous year, and introduced me to some of her new friends. One was this boy who had a deformed arm. He opened my eyes to a whole new world of interests, musical tastes, style, anime, books (including one of my favorite authors to this day), and just generally made me look at life differently. We talked on the phone every night, to the point where my parents got me a second phone line because I was on the phone so much. He introduced me to his friends, one of which became my first boyfriend. And he was one of the first people I’d met that was as smart as me and I could have real conversations about the world with. He pretty much changed my outlook on life, and I would say the trajectory too. And he was my best friend.

    The next part gets sad, though. I met him the first day of 8th grade. Fast forward to summer break, we’re about to go into high school, and I went on a vacation with my family. My mom gets a call a day before we go back, she is visibly distressed but says it’s nothing. When I get home, three of my friends and my grandma are waiting for us. My grandma breaks the news: my best friend died. He had a heart defect - his heart gave out. I knew him for a year, and I still think about him all the time. It’s surreal sometimes. I have like two photos of him. I don’t talk to anyone who knew him anymore. It was so long ago and I know I’ve forgotten so much about him, it’s hard to think about sometimes. But none of that takes away the changes he made in my life. Also, ironically, he brought me to Christianity, but I could never forgive god for taking him away.

  • Pandantic@midwest.socialtochatMy dad passed away
    2 months ago

    I’m really sorry to hear that. I remember experiencing the same things when my grandma died. The bargaining was the worst because I already felt guilty about not seeing her more often, among other things. All I can say is it gets easier, but it’s okay if it never really goes away. If you have an opportunity, take some self-care grieving time (and don’t judge yourself for what form it takes). It’s going to hit you randomly after you can pick up and move on, and there’s nothing wrong with that as long as you can figure out how to manage it. He sounds like a great guy and you will have a lot of stories to forever keep his memory alive.