Red_Sunshine_Over_Florida [he/him]

Former long-time lurker of r/CTH. Just want to chat and post with some comrades. Maybe make some some funny comments along the way.

  • 29 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • I like Carcosa. I have to give all due respect the folks who put so much effort into keeping this place in shape, despite what disagreements I might have with some changes in policy. That takes some serious diligence and fortitude, traits that I always admire in others. They should stay on.

  • They're saying we're being misanthropic when we shoot the shit about the absurdities about reactionary thought? I mean, we started out as a fandom for a political comedy podcast for crying out loud. That sort of pop criticism is what drew me left in the first place.

    But, if we're talking "misanthropic," I've seen reactionary guys who's brains have been poisoned by consuming nothing but crime stories. They think humans are just naturally violent in some sort of semi-Hobbesean view. Now that's what I'd consider misanthropic.