Red_Sunshine_Over_Florida [he/him]

Former long-time lurker of r/CTH. Just want to chat and post with some comrades. Maybe make some some funny comments along the way.

  • 14 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • I didn't know the full story on Doug Lain. The only times I heard of him and Zero Books was when Derick Varn mentioned the time they worked together and their later disagreements.

    I never got into BreadTube people like Peter Coffin either. The whole BreadTube community always bored and disappointed me because it was so devoid of theory to explain the politics and economy of the present. No grand narrative or explanation of the history of theory, nor discussion of present regimes of political economy or geopolitics. Always just chasing after the "flavor of the week," so to speak and using a text by Foucault to scry for answers. Not my thing.

  • Red_Sunshine_Over_Florida [he/him]tochapotraphouse:yea:
    18 days ago

    I feel this describes where I work. Of course, all the departments smoke though (not me though, my grandparents smoked so much they died before they could collect Social Security-that stuff scares me).

    "Can you come in on your day off."

    At this point, they just automatically add it to my schedule without even asking me. Hence why I'm working another 8 days straight. Why do I get the feeling that our tub of lard manager is just going to have the new hire fill all the lunch cook spots first, so that the supervisor doesn't have to cook all the time, instead of plugging all openings on my shift.

    Prep cooks didn't do shit.

    Hahaha, what prep cooks. We have one person who has to cook the entire meal, serve, and wash all their dishes. I think we used to have one of those, like 30 years ago.

    Lost love of cooking.

    I got one cook who's getting here. Took this position, despite it paying half what he used to make, and complains about having to make food of way less quality and healthiness than what he used to make. And then there's the fact that a fifth of the ingredients are not ordered because our cheap manager is somehow less competent at taking inventory than the blind guy who used to do it before him. (It's not that he's incompetent, it's probably because they give him a bonus for keeping under budget, which is probably why our environmental services department has been understaffed on the weekends for the last 20 years).