RiotDoll [she/her, she/her]

Woo Fool

  • 18 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: May 28th, 2024


  • where people like AOC are a sheepdog, guys like this are literally wolves in sheeps clothing. This is the rhetoric of a reactionary signalling who is to be blamed to the public, to the donors and the party elite - they know why they lost, they're fine with it - the money says fascism is the way forward, and the money gets what the money wants. Everyone at that level gets a payday so it doesn't matter.

    Don't take it as an absolute fool saying the wrong and busted thing, take it as a signal that yes, the drive to the right will continue unabated. Cheney endorsements will seem quaint in 2028.

  • RiotDoll [she/her, she/her]toelectoralismLol. Lmao.
    4 months ago

    I told a bunch of libs a prophecy back in 2016 and again in 2020 that bernie sanders was not radical, and represented a deep compromise that a lot of people on the left put up with in order to have any kind of ideological penetration into mainstream political discourse; as well as an attempt stop the bleeding for a nation that a) absolutely doesn't deserve to have the bleeding stopped and b) was riding on the hope that literally any of the machinery of power worked as advertised so that maybe (real) incremental work could be done to bring things to a stable and less globally destructive place. That if (when) he failed, that represented a full break for a lot of people. He was a canary set out despite already knowing the mine was toxic - but when he came up dead that was going to be it. There would be no walking back from the increasing contradictions of capitalism, there would be no stopping the reaction to those conditions.

    I wasn't fully radicalized - I hadn't abandoned electoralism entirely yet - but lots of smart and correct people said this was a pointless maneuver and a waste of emotion and resources, and would just disillusion new activists before they could make a difference. It still feels necessary, to have a public display that dispelled the illusion of business as usual that people still largely believed. It was and (for a shrinking number of Americans) still is a refuge and a cope that things work the way we're told.

    I feel like Bernie managed to permanently damage the liberal establishment's air of civility and pragmatism, because suppressing the commie became more important - i feel like I saw the mask slip the most not for Trump, but for Bernie, and I think American leftists really needed to see that happen.

    Any kind of retrospective defending or reflecting on Bernie as "correct" is bittersweet. Too little too late. Bernie fucking sucks. He sucked in 2016, and in 2020, and he was only useful because he was willing to publically attack capitalism and empire rhetorically. If he had gained power, if he had any agency to act on his heart he'd have done some stuff that would leave us in a maybe more stable position and perhaps more positive goodwill for socialism among the credulous - which might be a less fucked playing field for leftism, but nobody should pretend he was gonna save anything or spearhead the vanguard.

    The canary is dead, and going "gosh their song was so pretty I wish they were still alive" feels really useless coming from the gasses that killed it.

  • I've been trying to figure out how to innoculate/poison the rhetoric in use that gets people to go along with whatever liberal/conservative talking heads set as an agenda for discourse.

    Deconstructing rhetoric, analysis of media narratives - "media literacy" - more generally. I need a really fast way to read people into that frame such that they are immediately deonstructing narratives as soon as they feel empowered to do so.

    I basically want to utterly snuff out the average person's credulity towards people who are seeking power or modelling behavior from a highly visible place.

    In order for things to get better, people have to have the tools they need to distrust power. That needs to be paramount, over anything else. Once you have people going "oh wow that's kinda bullshit" rather than uncritically entering a receptive state and parroting what the guy on their screen told them to say and think, a lot of the work will just get done on its own

    We really need to be poisoning the rhetorical space as much as possible. I need something that devalues propaganda the same way capital is trying to use AI to devalue art. I need something that poisons the dataset.

  • RiotDoll [she/her, she/her]toselfcritselfcrit
    4 months ago

    sometimes i am too right and people aren't ready for it, so i really need to work on pretending to be wrong more often, to avoid the ire of being too right about everything all the time. im sorry everyone.

  • opponents of israel are treated like enemies of the state

    i'd say it's weird but it's not at all, it's been a thing that has been slowly ramping up for a very long time

    the feds are getting really good at boiling the frog.

    These psychopaths turn everything into metrics. The pro-palestinian calls are probably marked, they're probably associated with the name on the voter registry, and that probably goes somewhere nasty.

    This is kinda paranoid but in general people should probably not offer their genuine opinions to officials of a major political party or any operative of the state or federal government, even if it gives you some wicked sick catharsis, because these losers absolutely keep score and I am pretty sure we're going into a phase of governance in this country where having plausible deniability for your 'disloyalty' is a good thing - and for whatever reason, support to israel is seen as a critical indicator.

  • tbqh epstein is an excellent normie-facing case study in why you should never lend a shred of credulity to any "offical" story or line - it's always a lie and it's always a lie the exact same way Epstein committed suicide - institutions give the lie legitimacy, the media uncritically reports the lie, nobody is allowed to question the lie without having it challeneged and going through a gauntlet that destroys critical voices

    and if that doesn't work it just vanishes from the media entirely.

    that's the game lol

  • isn't it amazing how this demonic government has trained a portion of thier citizenry that is rightly alarmed by the idea of fascism, to only be able to see it in the le epic cheeto man, but react like a Westworld host to forbidden information about its presence at literally every level of US governance? Like it's fucking sad. A good instinct made useless. Fucking awful.

  • RiotDoll [she/her, she/her]togames*Permanently Deleted*
    4 months ago

    mandalore is so good. The norse adventure game in space is more insane, but the cabellas videos are pretty amazing too

    if you're new to this guy, go watch his mystery of the druids video and the ring saga

  • Just going off what the metaphysics that undergirds a lot of 'demonic' shit tends to be like- physical presence requires some doing! what a lucky guy! so anyway demons don't just show up in your life, again per the lit, don't read this as my actual belief, but they don't just show up. In some stuff we all have a link to them within us, but in general if you wanna talk to p'ig pou'balzt to work on something, that's never circumstantial - that has to be sought out.

    what i'm saying is it's funny to imagine Tucker summoning something out of a medieval grimoire and getting absolutely wrecked by it, but then omitting his causal agency to rile up his christian audience

  • vav can do different stuff depending on context too. not sure vav as a vowel indicator is as old as the tetragrammaton? i know some features of the writing system are later innovations - most accomodations to vowels don't go back to paleo-hebrew iirc, but the tetragrammaton probably isn't that old anyway.

    Anyway if that vav is signalling a vowel, it could be an english o/oo sound, or a lot of things

    I'm not an expert, i am just the specific kind of nerd that will slowly learn archaic languages at whatever pace i can manage and i've got subpar hebrew literacy for it, so i don't wanna mis-represent my credentials here.