SadArtemis [she/her]

Same as the 'grad SadArtemis🏳️‍⚧️

came here (mostly) for the emojis lea-caramelldansen

  • 11 Posts
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: September 23rd, 2024

  • but can I at least say that the POC living in a western country will not be these revolutionaries that can be easily spoken to about anti imperialism and fp?

    Can I say that those POC, despite having their own valid criticisms and experiences with systemic racism, may not always be receptive to anti-imperialism and solidarity with the global south? That they might actually support imperialism if it means they stand to gain something, even if it means throwing the global south under the bus?

    Absolutely, I mean honestly while the "always succumb to fascism" bit was extreme, the frustrations that led to saying it are wholly valid and sadly more correct than not (that's not to say it is correct however).

    Frankly a shit-ton of POC in the west suck utter ass. A shit-ton of people in general wherever, but the west basically collects compradors and aspiring compradors from wherever (and some, I assume, are good people- jk jk also as someone coming from an immigrant family and technically being a immigrant myself, most or a sizable portion likely well over 50% are decent, whether they remain so or not or get co-opted by the pressures of empire is another matter).

  • Once you get used to them the islands are actually the easy ones, though. Cabo Verde and Sao Tome = west African island nations. Seychelles = northern Indian ocean nation. Comoros = west of Madagascar, also it being in the Arab league is something that always helps me remember it specifically somehow. Mauritius = east of Madagascar (edit) replied to wrong comment

  • Honestly IMO (as a Klanadian POC) while I have to agree on some level, though I also don't think it's quite as stark as to say they will "always succumb to fascism," etc (however the nature of empire certainly makes it more often that way than not). As a generalization the 3rd worldists are almost always right, but yet I think it's important to not go all-in 3rd-worldist (to what extent "pure" 3rd-worldists who just dismiss the imperial cores altogether exist). Defeatism, even in the cores, cannot ever be afforded, and is also not wholly correct.

    Definitely, anyone in the west with the skills, resources, or simply personal energy to offer would be more useful to the cause and humanity (IMO) in the global south, that said, if they were so inclined as to move (IMO).

  • Also thoughts are, maybe I'll start streaming or something in due time (won't tie whatever I do to here lmaooooo though... also because on some levels I just ain't 100% with here- who is after all, we're leftists). (also, ah woops, meant not 100% on hex- well disaster scatterbrain as usual myself)

    But basically: if one thinks about this, while having good mental health and chilling with comrades is praxis, presenting an approachable entry to leftism or to recognizing and tangibly pursuing basic decency and all that jazz is also praxis (Hex and the Grad are nice but def infinitely less approachable than a "less political" space, or rather it's more for really showing off your power level and effortposting more often than not for me anyways). And introducing material dialectics, historical dialectics, etc to people even when not coating it with Marxism or leftism (but shifting people to understand the world with such a concept as a possibility/frame of reference) is praxis which then leads to the next step, this doesn't even have to be with talks on """politics""" (it always leads to it, everything is political, etc. I know- but then, it's a sliding slope that both gets people in, but then also has to be navigated for most and def from the sounds of it for many here for their mental health, myself included). Though then there have been infinite numbers of people who pursued or are pursuing exactly just that, so is nothing new- but figured would just ramble this here since had real good chat with an IRL friend I've not talked to much in a long-ass while who def isn't a commie or wasn't even quite a leftist (probably brought her to the mindset somewhat just from talking this to remind her the broader context of her/our conditions rather than just blaming ourselves and dwelling in misery as the system promotes).

  • SadArtemis [she/her]toMainTC69 UPDATE: HOT OFF THE PRESSES
    4 months ago

    Have absolutely no idea what's up with the drama and can't be bothered, but always good to see a comrade return to the fold (of online chill or maybe extremely not chill sometimes community? Idk welcome back to hell, we have cookies and I def belong here)

    Also low-key (advice to peeps but not talking shit on anyone in specific) in some ways being a leftist space with effort as a constant will take a toll or rather probs shouldn't be anyones main social life or even main online social life. This is the (akin to org hell if I know) space I suppose is what I'm saying, also pushing for my idea (don't build around me I suck as a person and have major inertia issues often and not reliable) of a hexbear-grad vetted third space

  • Well, my thought was that (depending on how others feel) it could literally be anywhere- even more mainstream platforms with lower (tech knowhow) level of entry/better accessibility, due to being ""mostly apolitical"" in intent and a supplement/third mostly separate space to hexbear and the grad. Hexbear and the grad would provide the framework for- vetting, and perhaps figuring out how the community should be run.

    (FWIW I think we all should be starting smaller chill groups of our own separate to this (also intended to be chill) broader comm- a sort of "help out/befriend or mutual support socially your fellow comrades" sorta schtick, also because being leftists sometimes we get along like oil and water (personally I'm a dumpster fire myself in many ways)

  • Not in reaction to the death of the dunk comms whatsoever, tbh (though if anything, the dunk comms were a part of the- probably somewhat bad or unhealthy and stressing vibe of Hexbear/Grad culture/experience that this is supposed to provide a chud-free alternative to. In the sense that always focusing on chuds' terrible takes, or seeing them up and remembering how shit things are sometimes- sucks like hell.

    It leaves me tired, as well. It left someone else tired that was chatting to, or left many actually in hindsight. Which is what led to my proposing this. Like- we're all(?) dealing with the same heavy shit, now admittedly I have a lot of that dunk culture and general brainworms (as well as cool based gossip/not being opposed to being a non problematic bully to shitlibs aspects) myself- also this doesn't have to and shouldn't be centered around me (imo people should probably also grab their own friends from here for such spaces as well as collaborating on a main chill comm).

    Basically- the election season, or even prior to that- the past few years, has been tiring. I think it's safe to say we need a (vetted) space separate and the healthier I get, the more selective (not that I'd leave, this is literally one of if not the best space online) my interactions here get, somewhat? Because while my beliefs and actions have not changed, I also begin prioritizing my own development and mental health to become the best comrade I can be if that makes sense?

    Sorry for the spiel but yeah rat-salute-2