Sator_is_Tense [comrade/them]

  • 84 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 8th, 2022


  • Sator_is_Tense [comrade/them]togamesRainbow Imperialism.
    1 month ago

    i've played A LOT of cod zombies and imo the narrative in that specific gamemode is far better than the blind military worship of the campaign and MP. especially in the newer games since the Nazi party member is long dead and so are the "OG squad" who accepted and even liked him after their Marvel-ass time travel adventures.

    point is, zombies is generally pretty good, but if they bring back the nazi then PIGPOOPBALLS

  • this just reminded me that I never beat TOTK lol. I loved all the new mechanics and the depths are fun to fuck around in but it all felt more like a "remix" of BOTW instead of a whole new game. the big thing that pissed me off was how so many of the treasures and sidequest rewards are just armors from other Zelda games that don't have any stat bonuses or any benefit whatsoever apart from "WOAH THATS FROM OTHER GAME soypoint-2" like that shit turned me off from delving into side content after a certain point. i don't want emo wolf link's dirty t-shirt, I want good useful shit for THIS game goddammit!

  • Trump has about a 35% ceiling for fascist voters in the US

    what the fuck does this mean? 35% of what exactly? what do they mean by ceiling? are they saying only 35% of voters will vote for Trump? if that's the case then dem will win easily so what the hell does it matter? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

  • i'm in a similar boat, got diagnosed with fatty liver a few months back after being a functional alcoholic for years. my blood pressure was also through the roof at the time which prompted the doc to run a bunch of blood tests, both of the liver enzyme tests were "markedly elevated" but thankfully all of the tests for actual liver functioning were well within normal range. i abstained completely for 6 weeks and they both went way down again to near normal and my BP went back to normal as well AND i lost 8 pounds. then she told me i just need to lose weight and eat healthier, in addition to watching my booze intake. i also got hella bills for all the blood tests/ultrasound they ran that makes me not want to go back for a bunch of follow-up appts to check my progress like she was pushing for lol

    i've started exercising regularly since the new year but i haven't been great about the alcohol, i fell off the wagon again shortly after that last appointment. i wanted to go totally sober again for the new year but i went through a 12-pack of seltzers this weekend after a very stressful week. on the positive side, i've really pinpointed what my triggers/reasons for drinking are (mostly anxiety spiraling due to... gestures around vaguely everything about the world and the fact that i don't feel like i have a future) and for the most part i didn't like how the booze made me feel this weekend. its just not worth it when it fucks with my body so hard. anyway if i keep rambling i'd have to make this its own post but i needed to get this shit off my chest. main takeaway: thank god we don't have cirrhosis dubois-finger-guns