i explained basically the same thing to some of my lib friends earlier and they couldn't grasp it a couple of them admitted the trial was purely political theater, but that was as far as we got
Sure, it's dumb, meaningless, and overstimulating to the point of dissociation, but sometimes its nice to take a break from Herzog to dissociate and get blitzed by 3 straight hours of explosions and lens flairs
i explained basically the same thing to some of my lib friends earlier and they couldn't grasp it
a couple of them admitted the trial was purely political theater, but that was as far as we got
This is the Micheal Bay film of political theater
Sure, it's dumb, meaningless, and overstimulating to the point of dissociation, but sometimes its nice to take a break from Herzog to dissociate and get blitzed by 3 straight hours of explosions and lens flairs