Segorinder [any]

  • 1 Post
Joined 5 years ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2020


  • Segorinder [any]tothe_dunk_tank*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    I replied directly to your comment, the context is right there for anyone to see.

    If masks only protected the wearer, I wouldn't care if vaccinated people wore them. But we know that with the delta variant, and the effects of the vaccine wearing down over time, vaccinated people are going to be an increasing part of keeping the virus spreading through the population.

    People who can't get vaccines are still in as much danger if they catch covid as they were before the vaccine. If vaccinated people stop caring about them because they personally are protected from consequences that makes them assholes.

    1 Those people had the same problem before covid. Covid is not the only airborne disease in the world. Did you wear a mask for them then? Oh? why not, you horrible murderer?

    You are pushing for acceptance of vulnerable people dying preventable deaths, because vulnerable people have died preventable deaths in the past. I have a problem with that. I keep rereading your comments for more 'context', but nothing changes the apparent message here. If you think that's wrong, maybe rethink what you wrote.

    I'm done with this conversation. I've already said everything I'm choosing to say.

  • Segorinder [any]tothe_dunk_tank*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    Did you used to wear a mask before covid because of the cold or flu?

    You keep using this boomer line about covid being just like the flu. The flu kills an average of ~36,000 people in the US per year. In the last year, covid has killed ~460,000 people in the US. That's with ongoing vaccine rollout for the majority of that period. Yeah, people change their fucking behaviors when we go from dealing with the flu, to what is effectively more than a dozen simultaneous flu seasons.

    You're pointing to the fact that people weren't careful around medically vulnerable people before to justify that when they are now facing a far more dire situation we shouldn't care if they die.

  • Balmis’s technique was to infect two children every 10 days with the bovine version of smallpox and then take the serum from their pustules to infect two more children, and so on until they arrived at their destination with fresh serum with which to vaccinate people.

    The children got sick but didn’t die and, although it seems barbaric, at the time it was considered quite normal.

    Jesus christ, they're painting him as a heroic frontline healthcare worker.

    The strategy adopted by Balmis was a cheap, ingenious and pioneering solution

    It’s likely that nowadays the strategy of using children to transport the vaccine would be criticised on ethical grounds, but the impact and benefits of the expedition cannot be denied.

    Manuel Álvarez, who curated the exhibition, described it as “a homage to all the health workers who have struggled against Covid-19”

  • toki lili ni li wile e pali mi

    jan olin mi li moku e pili ko. ~ [kili?] my partner eats applesauce
    ona mute li wile lukin e mun jan. ~ they want to see the moon populated
    mun jan li pana sona e mi mute li utala e jan suna. ~ the populated moon teaches us and fights the sun people
    sina toki e pipi telo li moku ona mute. ~ you talk to the water bugs, and eat a lot of them
    sona suli li pali e mi nasa li pakala mi lukin. ~ big knowledge works on my stupidness and breaks my vision (?)
    tomo jaki ni li wile e telo. ~ this building needs to be cleaned
    These insects are multiplying and eating my good fruit. ~ pipi li pali e mute li moku e kili pona mi
    That dirty child wants more mud. ~ jan lili jaki ni li wile e jaki mute
    The beautiful people gave me moon paste and fixed my broken home. ~ jan pi lukin pona li pana e ko mun tawa mi li pona e tomo pakala mi
    I must destroy the sun people and give the moon people their sun food. ~ mi wile pakala e jan suno li wile pana e moku suno ona tawa jan mun
    ilo kalama mi li kali kalama suli. ~ [pali?] my instrument makes loud sounds

  • My answers

    pipi moli li ike. ~ the death bug is bad
    sina jo e telo mi. ~ you have my water
    jan li moku lili e telo nasa mi. ~ people drink some of my alcohol
    suno suno li pona. ~ sunlight is good
    jan lili li jo e ilo utala! ~ the kid has a gun!
    jan ike mi li jan nasa. ~ my enemy is a weird person
    I broke this. ~ mi pakala e ni
    Your friend is good at sex. ~ jan pona sina li unpa pona
    Deep water is dangerous. ~ ken la telo suli li moli e sina
    Your war is killing people. ~ utala sina li moli e jan
    Tall people have strange children. ~ jan suli li jo e jan lili nasa
    tenpo pi musi nasa sina la mi kama sona e nasin pi palisa utala ~ during your weird art, I gained knowledge of the way of the spear

  • My answers

    mi suli. ~ I'm big
    sina lili. ~ You're small
    sina toki e toki pona. ~ You speak toki pona
    jan li moku. ~ The person eats
    mi jo e ijo. ~ I have something
    ona li pona e ilo. ~ They fix the tool
    The insect is big. ~ pipi li suli
    The fruit is rotten. ~ kili li jaki
    Someone has food. ~ jan li jo e moku
    The food is human. ~ moku li jan
    A thing is big. ~ ijo li suli