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What the fuck is with people and the gym? Exercise at home, you don't need equipment you bougie fuck. Oooh boo hoo I need to wear a mask in a global fucking pandemic.
Sorry Felix, I think you're a funny dude but I hope you're being ironic because this is a bad take.
Unless he's really commiting to the bit, his replies to people tweeting at him doesn't really make it seem that way.
Him and felix are right though.
Vaxed people don’t get very sick.
Delta spreading so fast will kill off the unvaxxed idiots or give those who survive temporary immunity just like the vaccine. Fuck em.
The time for worrying about this shit is over.
Fuck the unvaxxed.
Kids die of the flu at a higher rate than covid.
Vaccine eligible people who can’t get it because of some crazy disease or whatever had the same problems with the flu before covid.
There’s no group left that still needs the protection of all of society changing how it operates. (Except the victims of capitalism, we still need to overthrow that.)
Related to 5, other fun stuff includes that Israeli study showing that 19% of breakthrough infections resulted in long Covid. Good times!
that's 19% of the 60% of vaccinated people who get breakthrough cases. starts to be a small number. and "long covid" can mean so many different things. from the mundane to the crippling. i don't know a ton about long covid but I think the number of vaccinated people who end up with severe long covid is going to be similar to the number of people who end up with long term problems from getting the flu. I guess we shall see!
I think I’m particularly sensitive to not taking risks as a healthy, double vaxxed friend of mine in his 30s ended up in the ICU with Delta. He’s doing better now, albeit still exhausted a month after being discharged. I know very well that he’s an extreme outlier, but it was still scary and heightened the risk for me, perhaps unreasonably so.
Personally I don’t have a problem maintaining NPIs like masks and distancing as long as possible, to reduce the reproduction (and hence mutation) rate to increase the chances of a lasting return to safety. Sadly, I think it’s going to be moot discussion regardless of what the CDC recommends now though, Delta is going to do what it’s going to do, both in terms of direct harm and new variants.
1 Those people had the same problem before covid. Covid is not the only airborne disease in the world. Did you wear a mask for them then? Oh? why not, you horrible murderer?
2 Whether vaccinated people wear masks at the gym will not be the factor that determines whether another mutation emerges.
3 I’m not against indoor masks at places that are not the gym, where you are working out and breathing hard. Essential places like grocery stores should require them be worn by everyone, but OPTIONAL indoor dishes such as bars restaurants or gyms should not require them. If you have special needs don’t go to those places, SAME AS BEFORE COVID.
4 Everyone jumps to thinking people are anti-mask in general just because it’s obvious that it’s stupid in a gym setting. Grow up.
5 Vaccinated people do not get seriously ill. Did you used to wear a mask before covid because of the cold or flu? If no then you have no ground to stand on.
You think that you will get to be immune or opt out of our great mass extinction? Think again!
Lots of people have become compromised in some way since covid started. You're being super heartless.
My dad died in all this shit. His cancer was not severe before covid, but it became severe during covid. He would have been exactly one of the people you're saying you don't give a shit about right now.
He is dead because of all this shit. Of course he was on his way out anyway, but I could have had more time with him if circumstances were better. People refusing to care about others is exactly why he died earlier than he should have, because there was no oxygen available, because covid patients had used it all.
It's not just covid people you're affecting. There is a huge knock on effect in the resources drained from the system that goes to literally EVERY single other life in need of saving and care.
Please, really think this over. We deserved more time with him and it was stolen from us by a completely useless covid response that caused knock on effects for people entirely unrelated to covid. He absolutely wouldn't have gone when he did if oxygen were available that night, but it wasn't.
Did you used to wear a mask before covid because of the cold or flu?
You keep using this boomer line about covid being just like the flu. The flu kills an average of ~36,000 people in the US per year. In the last year, covid has killed ~460,000 people in the US. That's with ongoing vaccine rollout for the majority of that period. Yeah, people change their fucking behaviors when we go from dealing with the flu, to what is effectively more than a dozen simultaneous flu seasons.
You're pointing to the fact that people weren't careful around medically vulnerable people before to justify that when they are now facing a far more dire situation we shouldn't care if they die.
post what I wrote in context next time instead of trying to create a strawman to virtue signal against. it's pathetic.
I wrote that in the context of replying to this: "also fun stuff today like that article re: an outbreak in Massachusetts had 75% of cases involving vaccinated individuals. Yeah, wow, you’re less likely to die, and probably won’t be severely crippled, enjoy your lifelong cough- hope the next wave of SuperCovid doesn’t finish the job!"
the flu killed people before covid but no one wore masks for that. then came covid and it killed 10x the people as the flu, so people wore masks. now vaccinated people have lowered their risk of dying of Covid back to flu-like levels or less thanks to the vaccine. so they're taking off the masks. this is completely different than a bommer anti-mask argument that conflated the flu with covid in the context of no vaccine being available. but you just want to create a strawman to virtue signal against. why is it? why is making yourself feel righteous so important to you that you'd mis-represent my arguments? stop being a :LIB:
Chud chud chud everyone’s a chud except the most hysterical pandemic chicken little in the room. That’s you.
This line of reasoning will result in more more new strains that will not be affected by the vaccine. This will put us back at square one again or maybe even worse because who knows what the new strains will be like. You're risking mountains of corpses because you don't like wearing a bit of fabric, don't be like this.
Oh I don’t mind at all. I don’t go to any gym. I just go to grocery store and i wear mask and it ok. But I understand where felix is coming from.
It’s the anti-vaxxers that deserve scorn not anyone else. And politicians and capitalists obviously.
Excellent counter argument.
Self-righteous virtue signaling feels amazing and makes you feel vewwy righetous I understand believe me, but it is :LIB: SHIT.
Way to be the reddit bro and respond to the person telling you to piss off, and not the person giving you a 5 point argument as to why you should piss off
Way to be the extremely online person who comments this 5 minutes after the response. Log off loser. What could be more reddit bro than that??? the reply you are whining about is right here sweaty:
how is not wanting people to die virtue signalling wtf? :jesse-wtf:
Delta spreading so fast will kill off the unvaxxed idiots or give those who survive temporary immunity just like the vaccine. Fuck em.
Yes, I am quite certain that the virus will kill all the people who deserve it, and won't disproportionately kill the poor and vulnerable.
Every day hexbear strays further into social darwinism when it comes to covid.
Hexbear anti mask protest outside the local gym and it's fine cause it's not Applebee's cause what makes you a chud boomer or a based gen z is your consumption choices and not whether you're willing to kill people for your pathetic convenience.
Fuck the unvaxxed
yeah what could go wrong with this attitude? moronic
Indeed. Do what you want chud morons. Cough on my grandma.
/s Makes sense.
Delta spreading so fast will kill off the unvaxxed idiots or give those who survive temporary immunity just like the vaccine.
It will also lead to more mutations, unfortunately.
It is, unfortunately, a complicated topic. The largest unvaccinated group in the US are the uninsured, with 52% having received no doses. People without insurance literally do not believe it’s free (can you blame them? They’re also partly right that plenty of health businesses will try and charge them in some capacity)
The second least vaccinated group are Republicans at 48% having received no doses.
There are large societal forces at work here. What it means, I dunno. But I do think it’s worth considering. Much of this is largely a foregone conclusion at this point. I agree that “fuck some people” is correct, I’m just not sure that “the unvaccinated” as a whole should be that group.
It’s been a little hard on my mental health not being able to get into the gym and do my mma stuff. But ya know, I just haven’t been doing it because it’s obviously not safe
Yeah disregard my grumpy ass if you have a mental condition. It must be hard as fuck to deal with that. :meow-hug:
Deaths from Covid in 2020:
Deaths by suicide in 2020:
That sucks that your roommates smoke at home. I would have no tolerance for that. Maybe your situation doesn't allow a battle.
Good for you for helping your dad. You're a hero.
It can't be that hard for the government to make small affordable apartments for people :deeper-sadness:
Ah, I get it. I guess there are some solid reasons to wanting to be in a gym. I still think you should have to wear a mask or have some thing in place to keep everyone safe though.
Personally I don't have motivation at home. Also it's unbearably hot outside so I can't run.
Plus my gym is ran by my school and membership is included. Also I get a bonus if I swipe in a set number of times.
And it's a relatively small town so when I go after hours it's just me so I don't need to mask up or else I probably wouldn't go because masking up while working out is a new level of hell I'm not willing to deal with.
I guess in cases like that I understand. Felix here is still being a butt about it though.
Oh absolutely lol if you're in a gym with people don't bitch about being asked to mask up lol
Can we talk about how hard it is to breath wearing a mask doing hard labor? Or you gonna call me a bitch for saying its hard to breath.
You must've misread my comment. I agree with you. If there were people in my gym and I had to mask up I would not go. I would figure out how to work from home.
Sorry if a worldwide pandemic with a DLC upgrade is an inconvenience.
Also it’s unbearably hot outside so I can’t run.
same, but I just go at dawn or in the evening
I'd be lying if getting up in the morning isn't nearly goddamn impossible for me lol
yeah, I only do it because my sleep schedule gets completely fucked. But I actually enjoy being the only person awake, most of the time
How is Felix bougie? He makes like $75k/year in a partnership, not exactly a ton of money. My cousin is a linesman who makes quite a bit more, is he bad because he makes money?
As far as his take goes, it’s astounding to me that anyone cares
i think there are only like 10 people here who actually listen to it
Yeah because actual fans of the podcast were driven away from this site because the politics here are more toxic than twitter.
You gonna do communism on one website? What have any of you fuckers done for workers? I'm in a union and I hate it they take money out of my paycheck for no benefit to me, I joined the dsa but left when I realized they cared more about twitter bullshit than raising the minimum wage.
First they got rid of the downvote button, then they added gender tags, then they change the name of the website from to hexbear in a cynical marketing ploy. Now this site is literally just for trans people and not at all for real leftist politics unless you consider the constant bitching about literal whos misgendering someone on twitter. Also the hypocrisy, the blm protesters didn't wear masks, you support feds when it comes to the January 6th protestors, you people know nothing about Russia, Cuba, Venezuela, Vietnam, or China yet you all support them unconditionally because they claim to be communist or were. You people would try to kill me if you had power, you want me to agree with you or are you just gonna post a pig's anus like whenever a troublesome thought goes into your head.
Actual fans of the podcast who pay money are paypig Losers who deserve to be put in a camp because they’re probably all PMC liberal scum.
There’s 6 of them and they fund a lot of projects, so they all make about $75k/year. High-level financial breakdowns have been published in the past. They’re not just sitting at home jerking off all day, there are expenses to any business
There’s 6 of them and they fund a lot of projects
like what?
because divided by the 6 of them, it works out to ~$326,700 each per year
also that number is just their patreon money, not counting merchandise or anything else they have going on
For their projects, you can look up the political projects they fund just as a start, it’s not insignificant. Social projects are harder to find, but again at least Felix or Chris is posting one about every month. They’ve got several media projects ongoing now, and all of their projects have costs.
I’m not trawling through Twitter to find them, but Felix has posted and talked about their financial details. I’m choosing to believe them because they don’t have a good reason to lie and they’ve got plenty of reason to not lie, given that there’s still plenty of people raking them over the coals even with this stuff.
so you can't point me to anything, expect me to take your word for it that they somehow drain the vast majority of their income into nebulous "projects", and that i should trust what they say about their finances when they aren't even working class
yeah, i'm not going to trust the word of some rich dickheads tbh
$75k a year is a fuckton of money lmao.
I care because not wearing a mask in a pandemic kills people, that's why.
Thanks for stating the obvious. I know covid is bad, I’m saying I don’t know how anyone can care what some guy they’ve never met says about it when there are no good options anyway. There’s a lot of guys out there you can imagine when you’re mad at your phone, you’ll be busy.
$75k a year is a fuckton of money lmao.
In Brooklyn it’s enough to live mildly comfortably until you need a major car repair, or have a kid, or have a chronic illness. Is that what bougie means now?
I'm vaccinated and I wear a mask, but I've read a thread by some epidemiologist that was imploring people to wear a mask that convinced me that's it's mostly bit of theatre at this point, which can also be helpful. Covid is airborne and is mostly spread through the breath of people who are not showing any symptoms (yet), not aerosols. For masks to have serious effect you either have a well fitted N95 (changed after several uses), which medical professionals are trained to do, or some involved combination of two different mask tied some way I wasn't able to figure out.
it catches your fucking spit so you don't spray it as much at other people lmao. it lowers the amount you spread to other people.
Id have to assume the people saying it are trolling or something, because we already did this shit last year. it's not a groundbreaking discovery figuring out how masks work lmao
“the professional who studies epidemics told me to wear a mask, that’s when I knew it was bullshit”
She ended up talking about importance of "second order effect", which is why I still wear the mask indoors.
a virion is several orders larger than particles of breathable air, which is why a mask will filter out virus while allowing your breath to pass through.
How true is it? Either way usual medical mask isn't fitted well enough to stop them from getting in and escaping from the sides. That's why she recommended some complex thing of tying the straps of the medical mask and fitting a cloth one on top.
then have a well fitted N95 and change it after several uses.
Hey, I'm not made of money, you know.
That’s why she recommended some complex thing of tying the straps of the medical mask and fitting a cloth one on top.
this is not particularly complex lmao
it's not to protect yourself, it's for other people who may have worse immune systems
I get it, you want the pandemic to never end and everyone to stay in lockdown forever.
everyone to stay in lockdown forever
what fucking lockdown are people talking about?
I feel like I just observed the entire lifecycle of a mayfly.
It comes as no surprise, he’s not exactly come across as a particularly considerate person in the past. Amusing crass humor at times, but for better or for worse, the man is an obnoxious streamer at heart.
Tangentially, listening to the latest season of Blowback has me convinced that Brendan was the best Chapo all along - such a great show, and the soundtrack is genuinely enjoyable.
haha that's the best description of felix i've seen. and yes Brendan is great.
Once again not listening to or engaging with Chapo has proven to be the superior life decision
Sorry about your kidney and child, I'll do anything to help short of wearing a mask while I go pay to lift stuff BUY A WEIGHTSET YOU RICH FUCK
Kids get seriously ill from covid at rates less than the flu.
People who need transplants had to worry about illness just as much BEFORE covid.
Jesus the hysteria and virtue signaling of some of the :LIB:s on here is pathetic.
Any excuse to shame others and feel superior, right???
People who need transplants had to worry more during a pandemic than not during a pandemic. Just wear a fucking mask, it's not hard. What do you stand to gain by not wearing one?
When did i say I won’t wear a mask when indoors?
People waiting in transplants and who have recently gotten them have always had to be extremely careful about things that could harm them with their compromised immune system. Did you wear a mask everywhere for them before covid? :funny-clown-hammer:
I didn't but I should have and will continue to for them from now on
Lol literally 0 scientists recommended that before covid for the general public. But you do you!
So fucking what? That doesn't mean it can't help. Covid isn't the only disease that can be spread through the air. Aside from that, why is it so important to you to not wear a mask? What do you gain?
At a gym? Being able to breathe while working out. At a bar? Being able to drink and talk and hear the other people (can’t hear great and rely on reading lips sometimes)
Why not? It's hardly a inconvenience and I can cover my face while shoplifting. Tossing a mask on when I go to an indoor public space on the off chance it may prevent someone from getting sick is totally worth it to me. Just cause someone may be more compassionate than you're capable of doesn't mean they're lying.
People who need transplants had to worry about illness just as much BEFORE covid
Delta is more contagious than cold, flu or whatever, so probably not just as much.
yeah but since the cold or flu was enough to kill them before covid, they took effective precautions. i don't know how much more they can do than that?
Wearing several masks instead of one or wearing a uncomfortable properly fit N95. Not attending indoor gatherings. Not leaving their house at all.
pretty sure that was standard for transplant patients and other extremely immunocompromised people before covid, no?
Yes all of it. Transplant patients had to be super careful even before covid
You should take the advice from your username and literally never go outside.
You will not be missed.
I never have and never will. Thank you for the encouragement but it was not necessary.
You will also not be missed!
maybe im built different, but with how infectious it is, even assuming it is like the flu for vaxxed folks... the flu sucks a lot. if every time i went out i had a 20% chance of catching the flu unless i wore a mask, i'd wear the mask
Same. And I'm happy to say I haven't had so much as a cold in eighteen months.
In places like Japan they've worn masks just for this reason since forever as a common courtesy, us decadent Western hogs should get on that shit too
I said this for years to my friends before COVID. Especially because if you work in an office in the US you're expected to show up unless you're on death's door. Tried wearing a mask to work once and my boss said it was creepy and asked me to take it off.
Shit it kinda sucks that governments don't listen to doctors. The moment we opened up and millions upon millions were getting covid in India and Brazil, escape mutations were inevitable. The world needed a Chinese level lockdown to stop the virus. China can do it again and again as needed since they have the central planning to do so. But for the rest of the world it doesn't matter when case loads in India or Brazil, for example, are through the roof. Inevitably new strains will come over like Delta did in UK and now everywhere else. In conclusion, Wearing masks is the absolute least we should be doing.
it sucks that even with this variant vietnam got swamped despite playing it so safe the entire time
My gym’s showers are way nicer than my own, Sometimes it’s what motivates me to go to the gym in the first place.
I'll take this over his other hobby which seems to be making fun of people self-diagnosing mental illness like he somehow lives in a timeline where the /r/tumblrinaction schtick hasn't been run into the ground.
I recall him deleting some problematic tweets in the past, too - can’t remember the exact gist of them though, but I remember there being some apology being involved.
Don’t forget his other less harmful, yet high calibre comedy bit, which is being Epic “working class British food bad” Man. Such an original and not at all stale joke, especially from a wealthy American.
Gym is fucking bourgeoisie, imagine after work going: alright, time to lift and put down some weights in room full of strangers? (And you fucking pay for that privilege of useless labor) Tf outta here, go dig a hole and plant a tree
everybody go subscribe to c/fitness in the top left corner under the "communities" tab <3
Gym is fucking bourgeoisie, imagine after work
This guy does not read theory
Gyms are fine. They got good equipment that proles can't afford and health is important. Try working out at home in a 2 bedroom apartment with 2 kids a wife and mother in law. That being said yes bourgeois people in general have more time to dedicate to theirselves for any hobby they wish including, gyms. We need social gyms imo.
It was mainly a bit
also for bodyweight you basically need 2 square meters of ground, and a bunch of metal tubes
Gyms are not inherently bourgeois, they're neutral they just remind you of someone or something you hate. If you live in the city you just gonna go do squats and pushups and shit on the corner? Or be the asshole doing pull ups on the train? Shits whack as fuck.
most exercises can be done in a small area in a short period of time. my bf is a bodybuilder and makes use of a 5x5 foot area where our dining room should be. he lifts for about 30 minutes each day and bikes to the grocery store afterwards
i have abs and i got them just from doing weightless workouts. generally it just matters the volume of what youre lifting. if you want your workout to not take long you need to work the weight up
my bf can lift enough that he could beat local lifting tournaments with ease. we too busy with work to do that though
i have abs and i got them just from doing weightless workouts
what exercises do you do?
lunges and sit ups, nothing crazy. just gotta have good form and you gotta be consistent. no slacking. also helps im a skinny small person to start with
lunges help with abs too, just be sure you keep your core tight and try to balance with your glutes and abs
Glad that works for you. My point is what's wrong with having ideally community gyms free to all. I find the equipment extremely helpful and many need it for physical therapy or to build enough strength to do more aerobic/free weight lifting. I work around 60hrs a week not counting domestic work in the home and tbh scheduling is difficult.
nothing wrong with it at all, except when theres a big virus fuckin everything up
It hasn't sunk in yet that this argument is over. Mitch McConnell is out there telling everyone to wear mask and people are still acting like jumping to the republicans would do anything. Does anyone really think if getting rid of mask was a real option that Mitch wouldn't back it? The resident media cynics were still secretly thinking we'd bounce back to normal, we're not. We fucked up bad enough the minimum effort to keep heads above water is now higher and day to day life is going to be different.