🎀 Seryph (She/Her)

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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 16th, 2023


  • It's outright my favourite manga, it manages to avoid most of the issues fantasy manga tend to fall into nowadays and it's remarkably mature and well-thought out in how it approaches a lot of its subject matter. It's also just a delight of a work when you analyse it.

    Since you're quite early I'll go over one of the simpler things I had fun considering: the magic system! Without going too in depth, it functions as an allegory for several things at once, most notably art. Obviously the magic is drawn, but it goes further as the way that the witches relate to their magic is the same way artists relate to their art; they develop styles and preferences, they have to work around their lack of skill in certain areas to produce their art, the way people talk about it, etc...

    But it also doubles as an allegory for scientific progress, one of the forbidden magics is medical, after all. And there's this lovely tension between the two. I'd go further but to really explain my thoughts requires a lot of later context.

    It's a lovely series, and I adore it.

  • Okay this actually made me tear up a little to read, thank you so much, I think I really needed to hear this.

    Show care

    Also the ED likely won't be a problem, I'm in a position now where I can afford food and I've been eating decently now because of it. Not quite as much as when I was living with my parents, but enough that I feel healthier than I have in months. I'm actually feeling really nice about my food situation rn since I've reached a point where I've been able to motivate myself to at least cook one proper meal every day instead of meal planning, and that has been a real comfort. The meals themselves are usually basic stuff like simple pasta but that still makes me feel really nice to be able to do after so long where I couldn't muster that motivation more than once every few weeks. (I even bake on weekends for little treats and that's been very fun)