Clear sign of a terrible community: Be passively okay with someone else saying an aggressive military coalition that has repeatedly invaded innocent countries should be dissolved.
Clear sign of a terrible community: Be passively okay with someone else saying an aggressive military coalition that has repeatedly invaded innocent countries should be dissolved.
Not everything is a secret undercover cabal to serve an incredibly small number of evil-doers with one frame-per-twenty-of-minutes of not-actually-suggestive content - dang.
Plants and fungi will not only share resources, but if one is sick or damaged, they will typically get extra help from neighbours. Theory is that some also feign sickness for free resources at times.
I'm really pleased you didn't talk about the feet, because not commenting on the feet is a real feat
Again, old forums and boards were actual communities, which were community moderated, so you naturally tended to act like a real human being or eventually get booted.
It's not about not testing prototypes, it's about doing your proper precautionary checks, research and initial engineering so that you don't pointlessly blow up rockets. Yes, sometimes things will go wrong whatever you do, but that should be limited only to stuff that could not have been reasonably foreseen, and after so many failures it's obvious that this is not the only kind of cause.
To be honest some books have decent tips, so it may be worth looking about.
The tip I was always given was: Ask questions, people love to talk about themselves.
Starbucks provides the service of coffee, Streaming services provide the service of shows to watch, nobody in their life spends $50/day on weed but if they did they're still getting something for their money. I'm not saying any of these things are great but at least it is an exchange of money for SOMETHING.
Twitter will put a tiny .jpg next to your name on the free website that provides a service literally hundreds of thousands of websites will provide for free, what a service.
Sure? We masted normal rocket launches 50 years ago, an inability to do a standard rocket launch would be a truly insane level of incompetency.
Rocket failures do happen in prototypes, sure, but this rocket wasn't doing anything that special, failing after four minutes is not a success nor a great data gathering event, it's a failure in basic process. And yeah, a lack of precaution is incompetency.
The PR is 'anything past the launch pad is a bonus'. They've very successfully spun from the start that they're happy for a giant rocket to explode so they 'gather data', and not as if it's evidence of incompetency.
I guess that's generally where news channels say it's going to 'PC nonsense' and 'people who dared to have fifteen kids at taxpayer's expense' and generally 'woke nonsense' and being spent on drugs or something.
I obviously agree with whatcha say, and I think you're right about the confounding factors when it comes to comprehending money.
the British are by and large less racist than the rest of Europe
Citation extremely needed. The British are very racist. Proportionally, their record for taking in refugees is one of the lowest in Europe (and not due to a lack of people trying).
While the UK does have a decently sized Indian population, be aware it has become a significantly more xenophobic and openly racist place, especially since Brexit racist hate crimes have spiked. It wouldn't be my first choice.
As a European, Germany would be my first destination to look at - Good QoL, good rights, they're consistently in need of immigration to fill out workforces, and they're efficiently expanding housing for immigrants. They obviously have plenty of challenges too, but nothing really exclusive.
Is it that inconceivable that certain aspects of life just have been either slowly, and/or cyclically getting worse for centuries?
Very case-by-case, but I'm sure you can tactfully offer in private if you want to, won't be super-duper weird, and even if it is they'll just say "no thanks".
Agreed, so it feels like that is a bigger factor in people's opinions.
Maglev on a test track in Japan does >600kmh (~370mph). Speeds for public operation on the track being built right now is planned to be >300mph, so easily plenty under an hour on currently working technology.
Millions of fellow human beings are constantly dying, being severely injured, or displaced. You fucking ghoul.