SterlingPooper [he/him]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 27th, 2020


  • Is it normal to spend years not reaching out because you thought your friends knew you were struggling with depression and gave up on you?

    Is it normal to be so intimidated by people that it's hard to tell who actually wants to listen to you talk about your problems?

    Is it normal to wish your friends would notice your absence and come looking for you and be willing to understand why you're struggling?

    I think about the person I was when I left school. I was always there for my friends. I thought they would notice me like I noticed them. I thought when you're sad, your friends see you and ask what's wrong, stay and help.

    Maybe I did this to myself. I just don't know how to undo it.

  • My manager likes to talk about Frozen III and how apparently they're having Elsa have a female love interest.

    I genuinely have no idea if that's true, but it's mostly just an excuse for him to start talking like "I don't want my kid to see that kind of stuff" and coworkers agree with him. It's disheartening.

    I'm on my way out in the next few months, but I think I'm wearing Pride stuff every day until I leave. I'm not out to these people, but I seriously have zero tolerance for those kinds of conversations disgost

  • Longtime lurker, occasional poster! Trying to come out of my shell because I'm starting to question my gender. I never felt like I fit the mold of "guy" and it's always something that I've had to try to do. I always felt awkward in all ways in school.

    Lately, I'm really considering the possibility of being trans. I buy women's clothes, I try to talk and move in a slightly more feminine way. I was on a website and there was a page titled "I hope I'm trans" and seeing that in writing led to this moment of "Oh fish, I think I wish I were a girl!"

    I'm trying to figure out who to talk to about these things. People in my life are pro-LGBT, but I'm just generally distant. Like, how to open up about this when I've just never been open. It's a challenge.

  • I feel this very much- I've had posting anxiety for so long. There's a chance I may delete this comment. If you're reading this, I didn't, which is a win for me lol

    My worries are almost always focused on other people's reactions, and I trip myself up before I even say anything. I get in my own way a lot!

    For me personally, it's trusting my own opinions and avoiding the temptation to just keep rereading and editing what I typed until I just delete it and go lurk some more.

    Also the internet is fake and you can just say whatever, and that's a GOOD thing

  • I've used CBD (tincture) and found it to be helpful with my anxiety. A few drops twice a day made a huge difference in my ability to chill down and manage everyday shit when I was in school and getting in my own head regularly. I can't speak as to how it interacts with regular THC though

    If you take enough, it feels like getting high, which is cool, but also not entirely the point

  • I'm starting to move forward in life again. Figuring out job stuff, planning to move out of my childhood home, trusting myself and my abilities.

    Still, sometimes I wish I could go back to pre-COVID. Being in college, surrounded by like-minded people that are my age, feeling ready to take on the world, it feels like that's a different person. Right now I live with my parents and don't really talk to anyone. I generally feel like I don't have much to talk about. But being in a room with people is nice. I miss that.

    I try to be patient with myself, more than anything. I've come a long way, but like, damn this sucks