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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 8th, 2023

  • It's from the Cohn brother's movie, "The Ballad of Buster Scruggs." Early in the film Buster lists off some of his other "cognomens," one of which is The San Saba Songbird. It's not really relevant to anything, I just thought it was amusing. I do, however, play guitar and sing cowboy songs.

  • The consensus among reputable historians is that he was in fact a historical figure. The details of his life are very much in question, the evidence that he did in fact exist is pretty sound and not widely disputed. This is a simple objective statement on the state of current scholarship. I am an atheist, so whatever else anyone wants to claim about Jesus doesn't hurt my feelings at all.

  • Typical oversimplified tripe. Soviet bodies played a huge role, but US and British mechanized force projection, naval power and industrial capacity were at least as important.

    It's also just bullshit that the Axis had already lost. That's the worst kind of historical revisionism. It might be obvious to us looking back, but it wasn't even remotely obvious to anyone alive then.

  • I mean, that's part of the given justification for the veto, but it doesn't take a PhD in international relations to figure out that the real reason is obviously that both the US and Israel --and a number of other relevant players-- are currently knee-deep in operations and negotiations and that a cease fire, by changing the dynamic on the ground, would seriously screw those efforts.

    My guess is that Israel has a plan that it wants to execute before implementing any cease-fire, and that the US is on-board with it for now.

    Unlike most social media users, I don't feel like I know enough to take a position on whether this veto is morally justifiable or not. On its face it seems kind of lame, but I can easily think of reasons why it might actually be entirely justified. We will see.

  • TheSanSabaSongbird@lemdro.idtoMemes@lemmy.mlcreator trolly
    11 months ago

    I was thinking more of "Blood Meridian," but it's definitely true that "The Road" tackles a lot of similar themes albeit on a more personal and isolated scale.

    I think "No Country" also is a continuation of said themes, with Anton Chigur as a sort of modern incarnation of The Judge. He must own everything. Nothing can be allowed to exist or happen save by his dispensation.

    He is an amoral archon, as is life and the universe itself. He is offended only by those who refuse to acknowledge and countenance the cruel and arbitrary nature of reality itself.

    Decisions and random facts of chance have permanent consequences, none of which can or should be escapable. It's offensive to The Judge/Anton Chigur that anyone might imagine otherwise.

  • TheSanSabaSongbird@lemdro.idtoMemes@lemmy.mlcreator trolly
    11 months ago

    And then here comes Cormac McCarthy (RIP) to shit all over your idea of some benevolent god, to give you a real sense of how chaotically brutal the reality of life actually is, to question autonomy and the very notion of free-will, and to maybe, as a side-effect of literature, to make you think twice about everything you've assumed about the world.

    Gonna miss that guy.

    I don't know why the Nobel asswipes didn't give him the recognition he deserved.

    My guess is that his work was too "American" for their tastes.

  • TheSanSabaSongbird@lemdro.idtochapotraphouseSociety of cucks
    11 months ago

    I'll be honest; I don't have a great answer. I just know for a fact that blocking traffic hurts the working poor far more than it does the elite who are ostensibly the people being targeted by such protests.

    As a union member and union activist, my ultimate answer is always going to be more union organizing and more union actions.

    I am all in on Local 10 till I die!

  • Nonsense. There is no returning to small-scale egalitarian societies. Large-scale societies are a trap; once you embrace them, you can never go back apart from in extreme isolation. Spend even 5 minutes thinking seriously about it and you will see why it's a pipe dream.

  • TheSanSabaSongbird@lemdro.idtochapotraphouseSociety of cucks
    11 months ago

    You're just fucking over people who work for hourly wages and/or have childcare issues. People who otherwise might be sympathetic to your cause.

    It's the stupidest form of protest there is. Maybe it would be fine in a country with a better social safety net, but in the US it impacts poor working people the most, while wealthier people can just work remotely or stay home and still earn their salary.

    Meanwhile some single mom is being blocked from picking her kid up from school.