The_Lucid_Lumpen [none/use name]

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Joined 5 years ago
Cake day: July 27th, 2020


  • I don't understand why people here say we shouldn't vote for Biden. If you are in a safe blue state I get not voting but if you are in a toss up state you should defiently vote for Biden. Biden is obviously better than Trump and would have material benefits for people in the country. Some people will say "participating in bourgeoisie democracy is useless" but like why can't people vote for biden and also do praxis. like we are not even close to a revolution and I think voting for Biden could have real benefits for people or at least getting Trump out of the white house will help marginalized people. I live in a Blue state so I probably won't vote but if some one is in a toss up state they should vote for Biden in my opinion and I don't understand why so many people here seem to be against that.

  • The_Lucid_Lumpen [none/use name]toMain*Permanently Deleted*
    5 years ago

    I think thats a good idea. By pointing out that the system neccessartly needs to have unemployment so there isnt inflation. By definition a large amount of people will b unemploymed so we should take care of them. Thank you for your input

  • The_Lucid_Lumpen [none/use name]toMain*Permanently Deleted*
    5 years ago

    If you do not mind me asking how would you attack the idea that the unemployed are lazy? My attack would be that if we gave people a home, food, and access to higher education they will be able more likely contribute to the economy. for example it's almost impossible to get a job if you don't have a home or can't take a shower. giving people the basic necessities will necessarily make people more valuable for the economy. I know this is reactionary reasoning but if you can get a conservative to even consider federal housing i'd consider that progress. But i do not know if this would be a good line of reasoning so id be interested in your opinion.

  • The_Lucid_Lumpen [none/use name]toMain*Permanently Deleted*
    5 years ago

    I like this idea but with conservatives sometimes i feel you need a different approach. Usually when I argue with a conservative i'm just trying to make them a lib or a radlib, because lets be honest that's better than nothing.

    If you ever talk to a conservative long enough they will inevitably say "When has the government ever done something well" or "When has the government ever done something better than the private industry". This is perfect. I always ask them explain what they mean. Alot of the time they will just say "regulations" this is easily debunk-able because they never have a specific regulation and then you can just explain how regulation actually saves every one money and lives (but bring up money first because thats all they care about ). To answer "When has the government ever done something better than private industry". I usually bring up social security, medicaid, usps, or the military. when i bring up the military I usually focus on how government money was used for research that would not have been done if it wasn't for government spending. I find bringing up the military is a good one because conservatives like the military.

    I think that attacking these two ideas does alot in shattering the cognitive dissonance. But i really like the points you brought up, especially trying to plant the seeds of the labour theory of value. the labour theory of value allows socialists not to look like "lazy losers".

  • The_Lucid_Lumpen [none/use name]toMain*Permanently Deleted*
    5 years ago

    I used to be a conservative and about half of my friends are conservative. I'm trying my best to always push back on the weird shit they say. It's hard but if I don't push back they will never hear the other side. i'm open for some suggestions on rhetoric. I found that saying that I am not a liberal and critiquing liberals from the left really helps. I also am pro gun and I think that shatters alot of conservative minds. I have also found that just asking questions about their views and letting them talk then keep asking probing questions, this can really help show contradictions or inconsistencies in what they are saying. Sorry that all of this is probably brain dead obvious but I needed to write it somewhere. I hope all of you are staying safe and wont get evicted soon :(