Vattier [he/him]

  • 1 Post
Joined 5 years ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2020


  • Vattier [he/him]toMain*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    Some weird questions in there, or at least some that I definitely disagree with.

    The state should distribute people evenly across the land? (what even is this question?)

    ALL communication controlled by the state?

    Artists dont own their work at all? (weird phrasing, but I am in favor or short term copyright under capitalism)

    "Class" not sufficiently homogenous? (Its not everything, or at least gets misused at times)

    That site ( ) also has a ton of other tests, so expect to see those posted here soon.

    I did their coordinates test, placed bottom left, and it rated me

    88.9% Left, 88.9% Liberal


    edit: I cant help myself, I've been looking through them.

    Their list of "murderous villains":

    he 20 murderous villains are: Heinrich Himmler, Joseph Goebbels, Hermann Goering, Adolf Hitler, Albert Speer, Karl Doenitz, Rudolf Hess, Joachim von Ribbentrop, Joseph Stalin, Vladimir Putin, Vladimir Lenin, Mao Zedong, Che Guevara, Ulrike Meinhof, Osama bin Laden, Ruhollah Khomeini, Saddam Hussein, Benito Mussolini, Idi Amin, and Muammar Gaddafi.

    Great list, nothing wrong with it at all. I'm surprised they forgot to add Fidel

    edit2: Oh god these tests are awful. Repeat questions everywhere, braindead lib takes galore. Akschually, the nazis and commies had a lot in common!

    edit3 - last one, I gotta stop looking at these: Do this one, and prepare to feel incredible anguish when you see your result and the graph they use. It tells me I'm almost as far away from communism as it gets (at least it put me "left") and "politically unaligned".

  • Vattier [he/him]toMain*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    Still trying to figure out the fringe Nigerian Trump support cult that would drink bleach if Trump said it was ok. (It literally happened with hydroxycloroquine, person killed himself with it)

    Probably just another one of those mildly conspiracy-minded groups that latch on to a wacky, useless, frequently harmful "treatment", I doubt they care about Trump tbh. People kill themselves with "alternative medicide" a lot, and their groups do get cultish.

  • Vattier [he/him]toMainHow have I not heard of this until know?
    4 years ago

    Lmao, the politicians comments.

    is a political priority that there be built new houses as suggested, to ensure a development of the Christiania-area with varied ownership-models.

    It's a question of principle, whether a group of people should be allowed to occupy a large part of government property in central Copenhagen. There's no question that what they've been doing is illegal ... they seized government property and have been living on it and that's worth a lot of money now.

    Christiania is a dwelling for people who wish to live in a different manner ... But it is crucial that varied ownership-models are introduced, so that there will be both private and partially owned houses.

    (Christiania's) demand that there be a collective fund is not fair, It doesn't meet the wish for a normalization. We (the government) have emphasized that there should be varied ownership-models, such as private ownership ... it is natural that there are also privately owned buildings in an area like Christiania ... Because it is the case for the surrounding society in general, that there are variety in the ownership.

    Yeah, I'm sure what they need is mOrE VaRieTy iN oWneRsHiP :mao-shining:

    But they seem to have ceded control and the government is now "developing the area for businesses"? I've found another source saying the inhabitants agreed to buy the area?

  • Ouch, whyd you have to make me read this. And why did I skim his post history

    British Colonialism > CCP

    China is [...]

    A true tyrannical authoritarian regime with sinister plans to take over the world.

    About himself

    I have many reddit accounts, and I visit and share discourse with people across the political spectrum. I enjoy the freedom to openly communicate and exchange ideas with people around the world. It doesn’t scare me to encounter people who think differently. In fact, I find it rather exciting and enjoyable - so long as the conversation remains civil.

    Mhm yes I do have a very high IQ how could you tell?

    CNN = FoxNews for the radical left.


    On AOC

    textbook far-left extremist

    Dude seems like an edgy atheist teen libertarian? How do you even end up with this set of views? I'd have called him 4chan-type fash, but he seems somewhat anti-government? (yet he told someone to enlist?) "The media lies to us, but also believe everything thats anti-china"?

    I love trying to figure out "who" someone is by their posts, but these guys do kinda confuse me.

  • Kinda? My immediate friends are either anti-capitalist in some way (with a bit of ignorance of history and general political apathy) or "good libs" (working on it). But I dont just say "communist" when people ask about my politics, I usually lead with "left" and then quickly sum up anticapitalism+economic democracy+environmental issues.

    Class divide is real tho, some visibly recoil once you push the discussion left enough.