Zman51 [comrade/them]

  • 4 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: November 30th, 2020


  • Zman51 [comrade/them]tomainPSA: This is the modlog
    4 years ago

    This is kind of an issue though. The most virulent transphobes are troll accounts that get banned right away and their posts get removed. If users get banned and/or called transphobes for disagreeing with mod policy, the unfortunate side effect will be that users are going to miss those worst posts and only see other users get labelled transphobes by the mods for "whining about policy" or whatever and they're going to start questioning the narrative of transphobia on the site, which btw I do think exists.

  • I'm in Ontario with Ford but I wouldn't be shocked if the same shit is happening elsewhere.

    I'm hearing that Ford may issue a fucking curfew. Not shutting down workplaces that spread covid and paying employees so they're not fucking homeless, just a god damn meaningless curfew that won't curb cases but give cops an excuse to harass vulnerable people. God fucking damn.

    Stay safe comrade.

  • Seeing my premier in my province blame the skyrocketing covid cases on people "not following restrictions" is so fucking infuriating. The dude held down on a province wide half assed shutdown until after boxing day. This is the province that scolded people for having more than one person over in their house but found it perfectly fine to have a large gathering at a bar or banquet hall. They want you to spread covid at your office, construction place or warehouse doing things that are absolutely not necessary and then when the cases spiral out of control it's because of those dang teenagers who had a party down the street.

    The worst part is how many people are buying it. Quite a few of my family and friends just complain about how no one is following restrictions and that's why things are so bad. I mean, it's true, people have pandemic fatigue and yes those people having parties and spreading the virus but people are also watching Canadian politicians break rules to vacation, or see the absurdity of being forced to work at an amazon warehouse to package essential big screen TVs but are scolded if they visit their boyfriend or girlfriend for an hour.

    I'm just pissed off. Hospitals in my city are now at capacity. We now have the portable morgues showing up because there's no more room at hospitals. The cases just continue to skyrocket and every fucking day this loser gets on TV to express how "concerning" the numbers are and how he's almost ready to declare that anything is possibly on the table. When he actually passes whatever half assed measures tomorrow or next week or next month, it'll be too late. It's already too late. And there will be people who praise him for finally coming to his senses, or just repeat "at least it's not America!!!" ad nauseam.

    Things are getting really fucking scary here and I'm starting to understand how people have been feeling in the states through this entire pandemic.


  • Okay, but people are shot by the police for being in places they're not legally allowed to be all the time and I don't think many people here would argue that that is justification for murder by police. Nor do I think the problem with police brutality is that they're killing people who are doing things they're "legally allowed" to do - the criminality of the act shouldn't play into whether or not police respond with lethal force.

    Especially during civil unrest when folks are doing things that they're not legally supposed to do, going places they're not legally supposed to be and riot police very much have a "back away we will destroy you if you don't go home" attitude. I feel like this argument can very easily be applied to protesters breaking barriers while natgaurd was unleashed. We could easily ask "why would you do that? what did you expect?" etc.

    Like obviously the cause these people stand for is reprehensible but it's not like the fed who shot her did so as a repudiation of fascism.

  • Zman51 [comrade/them]tothe_dunk_tank:agony-immense:
    4 years ago

    constantly invoking logical fallacies in his replies

    claims his argument is too Rational™️ for people

    thinks everyone who disagrees with him is uneducated swine and uses social media too much (posted from social media)

    lmao what a dork

  • I've been exposed to a lot of death and it's not something that'll ever not bother me tbh. It's hard to watch the life leave someone's eyes and not feel something, and I don't know that I want to be so desensitized that I can't even have even the most basic emotional response to it. I get that death is something we all have to confront but that doesn't mean I can't feel some level of sadness when I see someone die. I don't think you need to be a pacifist to think death is sad, ya know?

  • Yeah this is pretty much how I feel. I don't feel sympathetic for her, I don't think it was necessary to kill her. Libs are not going to make a distinction between rioting chud "anarchists" and leftists. I don't feel comfortable supporting the state murdering someone in a situation that, in my view, was not necessary, regardless of whether or not she would've killed me if she had the chance. That's not a precedent I want to set.

    I have mixed feelings about it. In an abstract way, cop on cop violence is funny and I'm not gonna weep that a fascist died but also, watching someone die wasn't fun and ACAB even if their victim is a fascist.

  • Had the gov't officials been evacuated by then? Maybe I'm missing some important context here.

    I also think there are more options than shoot her in the head or let her pass the barricade and tackle guards. I know what purpose the SS serve that doesn't mean I can't be critical of them serving that purpose. Nor do I think the SS guard was thinking in strictly ideological terms of putting down a fascist insurrection and wouldn't have hesitated to shoot absolutely anyone who climbed that window.

    My point wasn't to compare the "crimes" of some black kid being shot in public to a fascist rioting in a government building, it's that the logic being employed here (e.g. what if they had a gun, what if the next person has an AR-15, they should've known that this is how the SS would act, etc.) sounds very similar to the logic that I see about police and state brutality in general, right down to the "fuck around and find out" rhetoric, even though yes, I take your point that SS and say, riot police serve different purposes.

    She was a vile person. I don't feel sympathetic for her, I'm just saying that I'm no so indifferent about SS shooting people in the head in a situation that I don't think required it.