a_fanonist_hexagon [he/him]

  • 130 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 17th, 2022


  • .... and this is a problem because of its damage to "US Credibility"

    The failure of the makers of the Iraq War to consider broader follow-on consequences includes not only insurgency and retaliation but also effects of the war on the global standing of the United States and its ability to influence other states on other issues. Relevant to this failure is Russia’s ongoing war in Ukraine and the U.S. effort to sustain an international coalition in opposition. In defending his operation against U.S. criticism, Russian President Vladimir Putin has been quick to mention the U.S. invasion of Iraq and to accuse Washington of hypocrisy. To American ears, this rhetorical line is annoying whataboutism, but Putin has a point.

  • One minor point: C by itself transforms particles into their antiparticles, P reverses spatial dimensions and chirality/spin, and T reverses time. The cool thing is that the CPT transformation is actually the same as identity, meaning that C is equal to PT, so antiparticles are the same as normal particles, but reflected and going backwards through time.

  • I think the other point that they get to with quoting Kwame Ture is that we need to keep our eye on the ball of long term organization rather than short term mobilization. Yes, it probably is, but if we view that only through the lens of failed mobilization we can be defeatist instead of recognizing the need for longer term work.

  • And when you risk domestic terrorism charges to fight the police state, then You can criticize. How about that?

    So you're not allowed to criticize other socialists unless you've already exposed yourself to the police state and sacrificed your entire future. Very not-fed opinion.

  • a_fanonist_hexagon [he/him]
    tochapotraphouseThe White Left is Building Cop City
    2 years ago

    It does point to an organization doing adult literacy, political education, and other programs in a neighborhood that's actually being occupied by police. I don't know about being able to stop Cop City at this point but generally it sounds like a better, or at least more direct, strategy for building class consciousness than the DSA or forest camp strageties.

  • a_fanonist_hexagon [he/him]
    tochapotraphouseThe White Left is Building Cop City
    2 years ago

    From the relevant part of the article

    **CMB is based in a neighborhood known as Pittsburgh, where the APF is currently building three homes under the auspices of its “Secure Neighborhoods” program. ** The group is loosely modeled on the Black Panther Party’s community outreach programs. They teach adult literacy and political education classes, organize community gardens, host lectures on various topics and otherwise defend the community’s interests. As the struggle against Cop City has progressed, CMB’s involvement has increasingly become showing up to do media damage control for the latest mess their white “comrades” have made. They have done an admirable job of this, somehow managing to not directly criticize their “allies” in public. This says a lot, both about their organizational discipline and the quality of the help they’ve had in the fight.

    So CMB is doing political education, adult literacy, and other programs in the neighborhoods being occupied by police. That's quite distinct from the DSA strategy in major ways.

  • a_fanonist_hexagon [he/him]
    tochapotraphouseThe White Left is Building Cop City
    2 years ago

    But the authors literally do that. The entire first half of the article is dedicated to dunking on anarchists and adventurists

    I'm finding that communities that celebrate diligence and critical reading are often full of people who don't actually read things thoroughly and engage with the argument presented.

  • a_fanonist_hexagon [he/him]
    tochapotraphouseThe White Left is Building Cop City
    2 years ago

    it should never be easy for them to destroy us. If you start with Malcolm X and count all of the brothers who have died or been captured since, you will find that not even one of them was really prepared for a fight. No imagination or fighting style was evident in any one of the incidents. But each one that died professed to know the nature of our enemies. It should never be so easy for them. Do you understand what I'm saying? Edward V. Hanrahan, Illinois State Attorney General, sent fifteen pigs to raid the Panther headquarters and murder Hampton and Clark. Do you have any idea what would have happened to those fifteen pigs if they had run into as many Viet Cong as there were Panthers in that building. The VC are all little people with less general education than we have. The argument that they have been doing it longer has no validity at all, because they were doing it just as well when they started as they are now. It's very contradictory for a man to teach about the murder in corporate capitalism, to isolate and expose the murderes behind it, to instruct that these madmen are completely without stops, are licentious, totally depraved — and then not make adquate preparations to defend himself from the madman's attack. Either they don't really believe their own spiel or they harbor some sort of subconscious death wish.

    George Jackson, in a letter to Angela Davis

    edit: all these mfers in here upvoting the GJ quote while being liberals about the forest defenders. What do you think he means here by saying that the BPP wasn't sufficiently concerned about security and should have been more like the Viet Cong? What do you think he would have said about Tort's murder given what we know about the camp? Do you think he might have had some idea about how better to direct their energies?