Preston Maness ☭

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  • 6 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 2nd, 2022


  • The more I read stuff like this plus the history of real movements I realize why things like DemCent [emphasis added] and other hardline ML things are needed but that’s not a discussion for here

    The article itself essentially makes that claim, just in coded language:

    These shortcomings are all symptoms of underdevelopment in DSA’s diplomatic work, stemming from a lack of structure, standards, and norms [emphasis added] about how members should conduct themselves when representing the organization to foreign parties and governments, especially those much more developed in their practice of socialism than us.

    In an effort to have a generative political conflict out of this situation, and to encourage positive change in how we engage in member-driven diplomatic work, we propose the following guidelines for structuring delegations and the work that follows them in the future as a way to maximize these principles and ensure that our delegations are beneficial for delegates and DSA alike.

    Then proceeds to list four things that would be common sense to any "DemCent" organization.

  • On the other hand, i also think that sometimes this community uses “patsoc” in the same way, as a label that allows us to put someone in a box, associate them with positions they may not even hold and then entirely dismiss them. It reminds me of the way that liberals throw around “tankie”.

    Is there an example of someone prominent being called a patsoc erroneously? Because I think MidwesternMarx is certainly deserving of that title. Their main spokesperson, Eddie Smith, consistently defends and aligns with other patsocs like Jackson Hinkle.

    We should be careful not to fall into that same trap ourselves of overusing a poorly defined derogatory term that just generalizes and dismisses everyone on the left we don’t agree with

    I don't think it is poorly defined. It indicates a right-deviationist strain of political thought that exhibits one or more of (a) revisionism (see Jackson Hinkle claiming that communists don't want to abolish private property), (b) opportunism (in the form of accommodating rather than correcting reactionary view points amongst the proletariat), or (c) chauvinism (the rejection of self-determination for the United States' marginalized communities, such as the indigenous population or the Black Belt).