bidenicecream [none/use name]

  • 16 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: February 6th, 2022


  • Let me know what you think when you're done.

    All I gotta say is... DAMN, that was one of the best videos I've ever seen in my life. Literally almost every line in the script resonated with me, with me having to pause multiple times and just take in how on point it was. THIS is what the left needs more of. PERIOD. FULL STOP. He described his personal journey in a way that was super relatable, but also tied it in to bigger social structures and the pitfalls that can lead one down dark paths. I'm just speechless at this point. I might write out a more structured analysis later, but for now, JUST WOW

  • Computer hardware has been getting faster and faster for decades at this point, but my computer still slows down. Like WTF. The dumbass programmers take the extra power given to them and squander it instead of optimizing their code. Microsoft word could run pretty well on a windows 98 PC, but the new Word can slow down PCs that are 5-10 years old. Programmers are complete idiots sometimes...

  • People are too quick to react to this so I'll just leave part of a comment I made from a thread a while back:

    Tbh there's a lot of cope in the comments here. Like getting older isn't just about looking older. It's also not being able to recover from injuries and being at higher risk of things like cancer, etc. because your cells become less efficient at killing damaged cells and regenerating healthy ones. Try being 16 and tearing a tendon vs being 40 and doing it. It's honestly not fair, and tbh youth is kind of "wasted on the young."

    And this problem affects societies as well. Every developed nation has an aging population and the child birth rates are declining as well. I'd rather extend my youthful time on this planet than be in constant pain due to aging. If people are delaying childbirth, then having healthier parents at an older age is also nice, especially if you want to play with an active kid. And yes I know "diet, exercise, sleep" is important but tbh it sounds like a capitalist saying "you just need to buckle down and find a job." Like I fucking know that stuff is important but it's not gonna fix everything.

    If anti-aging research was being done in Cuba or China the comments would unironically be "damn gimme some of that youth energy Xi!!!!" All the angry sentiments in the comments here come off as libertarian-bro contrarianism (for contrarianism sake).

    EDIT: Just to be clear, I do not support or condone exploiting young people as blood bags. I was talking about anti-aging research in general. I thought we just had a big thread about how people need to stop taking the worst possible interpretation of comments here. Jesus...

    As for the article itself, it's just full of snark and honestly super off-putting. If he gains some insight into re-vitalizing his penile function, then that could go a long way to helping millions of men who suffer with these kinds of problems. It could also potentially translate into helping women who have sexual problems as they age as well. After federation the light-speed insta-takes seem to have increased exponentially smh...

  • Actually, it was me that he had beef with, although upon further clarification we really didn't disagree that much. Here's the link for context: Others had well thought out and nuanced takes ( One person, on the other hand, thought that growing old was "beautiful" basically and got pushback on how aging is super painful and to visit a nursing home to see the reality (

  • There are still imbalance issues in massive countries like China and India, and the last thing I want is a bunch of frustrated men in a capitalist dystopia (= fascism pretty much). The number I see from a quick search is around 70 million more men than women in India and China ( They need to figure this shit out quickly. And it can't just be let women from other countries immigrate because then the countries that they left will also have an imbalance. I'm not sure how to deal with this issue.

  • The "leftists" on this site (and I hesitate to use that term without wanting to CW myself) like to imagine a world where all the suburbs magically disappear. It's kind of similar to how libs would totally push the "make all homeless disappear painlessly" button if they could. You got the life-long city-dwellers who say "um, ackchually, if everyone just rode bikes we'd all be okay. It's what I do when I ride my bike in Brooklyn to hang out with other hipster losers" These types you can safely ignore, because they have no idea on how to deal with the transportation issue. You also have the "I grew up in the suburbs/rural areas and I WANTED TO ESCAPE SO BADLY SO I DID AND I'M NEVER GOING BACK CUZ FUCK THOSE PEOPLE I DON'T WANT MORE EMOTIONAL LABOR" types. Ironically, it's exactly these people who are needed if anything is going to truly change, because they have first hand knowledge on how to deal with the suburban/rural types. Remember, all the successful socialist revolutions came from the rural peasantry, not the cosmopolitan coffee drinkers. So why not take a look at how places like the Soviet Union or China dealt with creating transportation infrastructure instead of wanting to unironically burn all suburbs down. For future suburbs, yeah, design them better. But how do you deal with existing infrastructure without wanting to just burn it all down? How fucking stupid and idealist. OP is totally right on this one.

  • Cruise vacations are actually, sadly, very blue-collar American dream.

    To be fair, cruises are actually a pretty good deal considering what you get. It's basically a floating hotel with all you can eat food, drinks, and entertainment. Plus you get to hop off at several port towns and do little day trips and sightsee. You don't need to worry about booking hotels, rental cars, meals, drinks, or any of that bullshit. It's all included. If you had to buy separate plane tickets, book separate hotels, and do all that shit, it would add up to much more. Plus no need to constantly pack, unpack, check out of hotels, and load luggage and shit. Like take a look at these Royal Carribean cruise prices:,FLL,GAL,MIA,PCN,TPA|destination:BAHAM,CARIB|nights:7~7&sort=RECOMMENDED&icid=cybrpd_tctclp_hmp_hm_other_3453 (about $600 on the low end for a 6 or 7 day cruise). Try booking planes to all those port cities, as well as hotels and see how much the costs skyrocket.

    Plus there's also the climate change aspect. Most working class people want to travel on these cruises (for the luxury to get away from their dreary life and the price reasons I talked about above). So I suppose it's better to have many people on one ship (I mean it's basically floating anyways, so no need to use all the propulsion just to generate lift) than have them all taking planes and booking hotels and rental cars and shit. With economy of scale less there's less waste. I'm not sure what the carbon calculations are, but I imagine it's much less than what it would be with planes and cars and hotels (here's what I found from a quick search, basically ships are way more efficient than trains as well: and

    I think leftists seriously need to think about how people will relax without doing some kneejerk "fUcK cRuIsEs IT'S ALL CHUDS HURR DURR!!" response. Maybe touch grass and try talking to people who want to go on these cruises because it's the one time in the year that they get to go on a "real vacation." Moralizing at them about how cruises are "bourgeoise and they suck bro" isn't going to work. The same can apply to places like Disney World or Six Flags or whatever. People want to zone out and have fun and they like going to these places (for fuck's sake there's even a water park in Pyongyang). So let's try to be adults here (not you micnd90 but the other kneejerk comments in this thread) and not whine like babies. If it was a train ride across the country with amenities on the train cars and various stops at different towns/cities, I imagine leftists would be like "WOOO HOOO TRAIN GANG VACATION WOOOOO!!!" How is a ship any different? It seems to be that most hexbear users' kneejerk response to cruises is the perceived "chudness" of the clientele, as opposed to other aspects. Like I said, if it was a train experience, I wonder what leftists would think about it.

    No real bourgeoise would go on something as tacky as this.

    Actually I've known people who own businesses and are millionaires going on cruises. Also very well paid doctors/surgeons/lawyers will go on cruises. I think you're talking about the super duper 1% that have their own private yachts and shit. Fairly well-off people will go on a cruise, they just might get a better cabin like one with a window or some shit. I wouldn't be so quick to presume.

    FWIW I've never been on a cruise, and I've never considered myself a "cruise person." But after talking to a few people I know that love them, they made a lot of good points, especially about what you get for the cost. And when I looked into it for myself and compared it to flights/hotels/meals/cars, it makes a lot of sense. I'm not trying to promote cruises, but now I kind of see where "cruise people" are coming from.

    I grew up lower middle class and my parents always take me to Golden Corral or all you can eat Chinese buffet everytime we had something to celebrate.

    In a lot of poor rural places this is just what people do. I don't blame them, it's a nice all you can eat outing with family/friends. If this was in some Global South country and people gathered at some budget restaurant, would we also chastise them for this? I dunno this seems like some culture war bullshit designed to make us fight each other over dumb shit like what restaurant is better...

  • bidenicecream [none/use name]
    topoliticsSo Like, What's the Plan? (Seriously)
    1 year ago

    You don't call it socialism and most boomers even get on board in my experience

    Yeah but the problem is that as soon as you get to something concrete you're gonna have to venture into "socialism." And even mentioning a social democrat like Bernie will immediately turn them into NPC mode with all the propaganda that's been drilled into their heads.... And it'll backfire if they figure out that you've been trying to "hide your power level" so to speak because it'll be more evidence of "sneaky communists trying to trick everyone with their post-modern neo-marxism"

  • Unfortunately this site is mostly terminally online losers who will never do anything. There are a few thoughtful responses but honestly I was expecting more, as this was an effort post for me.

    Just look at the engagement with this post compared to other posts about: color theory, axe body spray, random poo poo pee pee posts, etc, etc...

    "Hey any tips on how to do something instead of despair?"

    "No, but check out my random post about how anime/body spray/(insert anything I personally don't like) is TOTAL ANATHEMA TO SOCIALISM AND WHEN THE REVOLUTION HAPPENS I'LL GUILLOTINE ANYONE WHO DOES THAT THING!"