If you don't have a podcast, are you even a celebrity?
If you don't have a podcast, are you even a celebrity?
You're gonna have to spend more time in the sun.
You are many other things too comrade. Positioned at the heart of empire, we owe it to the world to work against it, happy to be here with you doing that work.
I am just getting started gardening. So far its been all removal work because my yard is basically a jungle. I generally listen to podcasts while I work but I think I will have to try it your way next time. Thanks for the idea!
Sorry you had to deal with that comrade.
Thats okay comrade, I can see why you would feel that way. Still love you though. :heart-sickle:
At one point I had 7 cats, but 5 of them were kittens so idk if that counts.
Yeah its disgusting. Basically every living thing has plastic inside of it, super cool and super good.
That's great. Executive function can be a real bastard, good on you comrade!
You're overthinking it. Their entire media sphere is based on being the aggrieved party that's fighting back against the evil democrats/liberals/cultural marxists.
Interesting. A lot of people would say that we only ever get evergreen touchstones under capitalism. Its why we get endless reboots, revivals, and nostalgia.
I feel you comrade, but for me its phones. I even worked at a call center and still can't bring myself to call people.
Fix the bridges, shut down coal, bring on the trains!
Sorry to hear that comrade. Sending my love.
The Chair's name is Craven. You can't make this shit up.
This is racist as fuck.
Happy Early Birthday comrade. Hope its nice.