keep your forked tongue behind your teeth, perfidious albino :meow-cactus:
keep your forked tongue behind your teeth, perfidious albino :meow-cactus:
meat, fruit jam and potatoes wrapped in pastry. Does that sound bad to you?
this is really the crux of the issue isn't it? it's the same argument that globe emojis use to defend neocon actions. "it's not ideal but america couldn't just stand by and do nothing!" no matter how much context you provide for how hideously harmful the action was, it all circles back to their personal need to do something to absolve themselves of the guilt of inaction.
of course you can't blame the victim for anything they do in that situation. but it should be their choice unless their life is in danger. I've been in that place of a busybody calling the police and having armed men stomp in full of concern. it's humiliating to be put in that position of being extremely vulnerable but having to put on a brave face and explain "no no I'm fine, it was just a misunderstanding, I'm sorry, I'm okay."
also, acab isn't just a slogan, it's a deep, learned revulsion. if everything I owned were stolen (which isn't much) I wouldn't go to the police. if I were assaulted, I wouldn't go to the police. it has nothing to do with leftist principles, it has to do with seeing them as murdering, wifebeating pieces of shit who will not help me and will probably just make things worse.
constructive, adj. definition:
strictly better for everyone than calling the police
the only benefit you can possibly claim is that the police stopped the violence this one time. the problem with that is that it enrages abusers because it makes them feel powerless. he would seethe at the humiliation of having to yes-sir a bunch of cops and be even more likely to kill her the next time. you can try to intervene every time, but once you add in the risk of having cops around, you're way in the red.
in terms of constructive suggestions, you can:
both of these options are strictly better for everyone than calling the police
last month some gangbanger girl and her friends broke down our front door in the middle of the night, yelling for the blood of someone who used to live at this address. luckily my sister's boyfriend came out of their bedroom chambering a round in his handgun and that scared them off.
if he hadn't been here, we would have been fuuuucked. even if I had somehow been able to call the police, and they were somehow able to get here before my arms and legs were all broken, the best possible scenario would have involved my sister getting hauled off to jail for all her weed stuff lying around, and being served with court papers she's been dodging.
amerikkkans outside of the middle-class bubble live in a police state with none of the law and order. constant threat of violence but you can't go to the police. having a gun is extremely based, especially when you're Visibly Trans and half of the reactionary lumpen and three quarters of the frothing flag-waving chudoids around you would love to beat the shit out of your scrawny ass if they could get away with it.
a rookie fed trying to vaguely badjacket "the upper echelons of antifa leadership"
@fwd_party seems like it would have been like tenth on their list of preferred twitter usernames but all the better ones were taken
this is why I hate changing my username, everyone suspicious of ban evasion :sadness:
Two individuals have said that those references were nicknames for Walter Primrose and Gwynn Morrison and some of them were the product of inside jokes in relation to Primrose and Morrison
what is the deal with hexbear encouraging people to call the cops? it is not okay. you did not do the right thing. look at what happened: a bunch of thumbs with guns showed up, decided "this is no worse than what I do to my wife at home," and left. if it was an abuse situation that needed intervention, they did objectively nothing to help, as you ought to have expected. and that woman would have been horrified to see the cops show up, knowing that she'd have to pay for her partner's doubled wrath later.
I understand that you felt powerless in a shitty situation and wanted to do something, but landing on "I should call the police, they will help me" is a mad mayo thing to think. you need to step up your game, those are rookie levels of cop-loathing.
they absorbed the unwashed masses after the demise of yahoo answers. and the kind of people who hang out in what's become maybe the lowest-SNR backwater of the whole internet, answering questions to help some tech company make its billions, are people who don't really know anything at all but who still get a dopamine rush out of looking knowledgeable. so they just regurgitate whatever hegemonic discourse they've heard, and make it sound as authoritative as possible. hyper-individualism and bigotry are a perfect fit for quora because they're very mainstream and obvious while letting one put on airs of being smarter than the sheeple or whatever.
Those who are against Fascism without being against capitalism, who lament over the barbarism that comes out of barbarism, are like people who wish to eat their veal without slaughtering the calf. They are willing to eat the calf, but they dislike the sight of blood. They are easily satisfied if the butcher washes his hands before weighing the meat. They are not against the property relations which engender barbarism; they are only against barbarism itself. They raise their voices against barbarism, and they do so in countries where precisely the same property relations prevail, but where the butchers wash their hands before weighing the meat.
- Brecht
I’m working an entry level job when I’m 40
Esther Alonso owns and runs the outdoor center on Virginia Key. She worries about what this plan will mean for her employees and the kids who come to the park.
“There are children here, this is a beach. And we’re going to bring a large population of primarily homeless men … and we’re going to put them next to a swimming beach where people are running around in swimsuits?” Esther Alonso said.
Critical support for pearl-clutching NIMBYism? Jfc, even when we accidentally get something right, it's for the most dehumanizing and selfish reasons. Death, and I cannot stress this enough, to Amerikkka.
working link: https://www.popsci.com/environment/what-is-congestion-pricing/
also, hot take incoming... adding congestion pricing and toll lanes is just the result of people with money being sick of traffic and salivating at the idea of having an excuse to get all of the poors out of their way