crosswind [they/them]

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: October 20th, 2022


  • The heat is all being dumped into the living space either way, so you aren't losing anything from the metal. It takes away from how much heat will be available in the earthen part after the stove is turned off, but it still warms the room. Plus I imagine it's nice to have some heat immediately instead of having to start the fire hours before you actually want it.

    You could adjust the design if you wanted to change the ratio of fast heat and slow heat, but you would always need to have some part with a high thermal conductivity.

  • The goal is to have the fire drive a high airflow, both to give itself oxygen, and to pass the exhaust through a long path of heat absorbing dirt. The metal drum does this by passing the hot exhaust up through its center, then rapidly cooling it as it falls back down along the metal surface. The difference in density drives the airflow. The drum needs a high thermal conductivity to be able to maintain this temperature and density difference, and this is also the primary way the heat is transferred to the living area. The earthen part gathers up the remaining heat to increase efficiency and retain heat for when the stove is off, but most of the heating is done immediately through the metal.

  • You’re talking about opposing racist pieces of shit. For that, absolutely, use bullying, punches, bullets, whatever works. But there you’re not trying to make them better people, the goal is to stop them from saying and doing racist shit.

    My issue is when this gets applied to trying to get an okay to change their beliefs. It’s not going to work, and you can talk yourself into doing some fucked up stuff that way.

    Not bullying someone doesn’t mean being nice and holding their hand, it means not trying to make their life hell. You can still be harsh, blunt, and forceful when calling things out. That’s different from bullying.

    I think we should be aware of when it’s an appropriate tool to use, and not treat any criticism of bullying like it’s a call to give a klansman a hug.

  • crosswind [they/them]tochapotraphouselmao
    4 months ago

    Remember when people called mike bloomberg an oligarch, and others were defending him by citing webster’s dictionary or whatever to say that an oligarch can only be from russia by definition.

    An american billionaire has to be a sparkling entrepreneur.

  • crosswind [they/them]tosinoChang’e-6 launch
    4 months ago

    In their news coverage, you can always hear the tension when they talk about the international cooperation they'd like to be doing in space exploration.