i really appreciate your writing
i really appreciate your writing
There are quite a few tear-jerkers. The one that got me was right at the beginning in case 2:
We stayed with the [recipient family] that night. In the middle of the night, Carter came in and asked to sleep with my husband and me. He cuddled up between us exactly like Jerry did, and we began to cry. Carter told us not to cry because Jerry said everything was okay. My husband and I, our parents, and those who really knew Jerry have no doubt. Our son's heart contains much of our son and beats in Carter's chest. On some level, our son is still alive
Thanks for the whole pdf link this is fascinating (both the actual study and the blatant, disgusting racism)
being anti-China and swapping the c for a K: prison, double prison, eternal reeducation
I think the doomers are the ones who haven’t purged their liberalism. The welfare state has been stripped for parts for several generations now, the writing’s been not only on the wall but also bright billboards over every highway. The best time to fully resolve yourself to revolutionary optimism was yesterday
There were protests in China against zero covid and relatively soon (after years of zero covid) the policy ended
If i were even more conspiracy brained i’d wager heavy that the media placed “not supporting ukraine” in the bad meanie republican fascist bin to make looney commies sound bad to unwitting kind blue fascist supporters
I think that thread can pull further when the article mentions briefly that her politics “sound confusing” and then plainly lays out the confusion of the Kamala campaign embracing Cheney. Blink and you might miss that. It’s also not exactly framed by the text as hypocritical or confusing on the dem’s part. Though i’m not certain this has caused any “confusion” with dem voters upon further consideration. i think most average clocked-out voters have been beaten down to voting for Kamala bc abortion, despite the fact she’s done nothing to get it done, that’s the narrative and that’s what they follow and then move on with their lives.
If i were able to pull the strings of big media I’d absolutely be trying to screw with every narrative i could. Make the unconscious prole as confused as possible. Then you maybe have to make 10,000 less insecure voting machines when your true voting machines live and breathe air
Just about over a decade, since What up with that (the only funny series of recent sketches) first aired in 2009 according to a quick search
What’s up with the voice acting? Is Bioware just totally hollowed out and everything is phoned in or is it bad at large? i threw on a long play of dragon age: origins and skimmed through it. While still goofy, it at least tried to take itself seriously.
It’s wild how the us media “culture” has withered so drastically that i am nostalgic for the days when they aired bold ideas such as “fast food is bad for you”. There was a time where nickelodeon wouldn’t air any shows and display a message that told your porcine children to go outside.
Instead of taking that further fast food is a-okay now. Its fine to be constantly consuming media, and “serious” news outlets are rehashing 20 year old internet memes
thanks! this makes sense. The article ups the stakes and claims there will be some geopolitical implications from AI in the future but I suppose when pressed they'd say the far, far future.
I suppose in the stock image example the biggest market suffering would be advertising?
Even less clear is Chinese advancements in AI — regarded as one of the key determinants of future economic and geopolitical power. While OpenAI, Microsoft Corp. and Google continue to publicize new AI developments and support a thriving startup ecosystem, Chinese companies like Baidu Inc. labor under chip and data-content restrictions, and have yet to show evidence of significant breakthroughs.
I hope that in my lifetime all of this tech hype will be proven false and I won't have to read about it anymore. I usually don't read the whole article this is doing some serious damage to me. The least they could do is name specifically how this "AI" technology has influenced "future economic and geopolitical power" beyond supporting...startup ecosystems???? Oops, all signifiers!!
Mao didn’t live in a time where class politics were pretty much obliterated from the average burgerprole’s conscience so this take gets a 70/100
I’m not picky & it’s clearly submerged in gravy so I’d go hog-mode. However if I were pressed ganged to ingerland i think i’d want to try kebab first to see if they do it right
they don’t have to anymore. somehow it’s become gospel among libs that the dems will save federal abortion despite all contrary evidence
If that was at all likely it would have happened during his first term. What would term 2 change?
unlimited beef noodle soup on the first world
only caught the subreddit towards the end bc i was going to school and focused. covid rolled around so i was wasting more time on the computer. also allowed normie me (NM) more time to consider politic ideology more patiently beyond “never join the military” so NM was looking for information.
the subreddit was entertaining and also was the logical extension of the Bernie vibe which NM was on board with wholeheartedly. He made me want to go vote and give $20 to a politician.
That ended, NM was left with nothing on the computer besides a job, video games, and the desire to browse supplementary sites for video game discussion (which NM had sworn off to focus on school). The old browsing habits turned into reading about politics and the news and I honest to god think i found the subreddit bc ppl were posting on reddit in general about the donald getting banned and any left wing subs getting quarantined. Joined the discord, joined the site. This is i think my third account. the site got me to read non fiction that actually made sense. i’d always loved reading but it had to grab me. The read settlers posters were right.
stayed bc it’s the only place where the text on my phone/computer reads as sober. Everyone else where people aren’t explicitly posting as communists reads as asinine. I also like only having to open one website to get shitposts, news, discussion, and the occasional sincere blogpost about people’s lives. Oh and there was that recent fundraiser too, that was heartwarming.