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Treat Defender:
"Let people enjoy things"
Just wants to shut brain off and relax
Shit taste
Treat Assassin:
Powerful crit(icism)s
Appears out of nowhere and identifies flaws and weaknesses you never would've noticed but now can never ignore again
Mysteriously fades into shadows when their own treats come under attack
Treat Mage:
Nuanced, insightful analysis, can find positive/negative aspects in just about anything
Flexible offensive and defensive options
Susceptible to bullying, avoids direct confrontation
Treat Paladin:
Likes good things
Doesn't like bad things
Simple as
Nobody wants to hang with them because they feel threatened by their moral superiority and obviously correct takes
Treat Cleric:
Long list of rules for not engaging with things that others find frustrating and arbitrary
Has one specific domain of treat they enjoy
Wouldn't watch a Miyazaki movie because it's anime
Somehow keeps being right about stuff
Treat Warlock:
"So bad it's good," cult classics
Will happily explain how their favorite treat is problematic in ways you never would've considered
Lack of practical effects their third biggest issue with capitalism
Nobody told them irony is dead
TYS, add your own
Definitely treat warlock. No one hates what I enjoy more than me
Warlock. I know what I like is objectively bad. Still gonna eat that garbage
Treat druid: the natural world has most of the treats we need. Loves hiking, reading philosophy, gardening, cooking, and animals. Has terrible social skills.
I don't think those should be considered treats. Treats attempt to hijack the rewarding sense of satisfaction we get from engaging in those activities by intensifying the pleasure with instantly gratifying substitutes.
Treat Paladin. I'm always right everyone else is always wrong, simple as
Treat paladin I'll keep spreading the good word of
06 aka Sonic Adventure 3. Though right now I am dipping into the sister series Secret rings a different demonimation but it's necessary to appreciate 06 more.
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
Treat Ranger: gives pet spiders treats. Favoured enemy: Bazingas.
Treat Bard: Mostly found buying treats at folk festivals and Ren Faires
Won't stop singing about how your favourite treat is bad.
Inexplicably liked despite this.
Treat sorcerer. Naturally born ability to only choose good treats.
Treat Assassin here.
IDC what anyone says, Dragon Ball may be a "treat" but it's MY treat. I also have a bad habit of going on BMF-tier rants about media I'm somewhat familiar with.
Treat mage because I like nuking treathogs to a crisp with fireaga.
What class would it be where you consume treats but don’t enjoy them? Is there a depressed class?
Treat barbarian
Most media is facsist and it sends you into red eyed rage
Treat Artificer - i am incapable of enjoying anything because i am preoccupied with ideas for what i would do differently to 'improve' it, my mind is a chaotic workshop full of unfinished forgotten creative projects and experimental prototypes that will likely never see completion.
also if a media IP has Cool Mechs i will enjoy it regardless of other problematic aspects, for example Fullmetal Panic! is a lame generic show about high schoolers/child soldiers being awkward, but also has one of the coolest mech designs of all time with the cold war soviet RK-92 SAVAGE. i watched like 1 or 2 episodes and completely hate the show, but the mecha designs are just about Peak Robot Design for me, i love the diesel/gas turbine engine instead of nuclear power idea, i love the cold war aesthetic, i love the fact that the SAVAGE is made by soviets, i love the rounded frog-like appearance. I love that it has mechanical analogue controls (high-sensitivity panels on the cockpit seat to control limbs without needing to move limbs too much in the cockpit) instead of being partially autonomous. i don't like as much the fact that its the default 'bad guy' mech for the NATO mercenary child soldier protagonists.
this is the older RK-91, powered by a diesel engine, note the up-armor panels used to modernize it, like putting ERA blocks on a T-60:
Showthis is the RK-92, powered by a gas-turbine engine:
Showanother fancier RK-92 (pic of a finished painted figure, not a model kit):
Showhere's a bonus interior/cross section view i found: