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Treat Defender:

  • "Let people enjoy things"

  • Just wants to shut brain off and relax

  • Shit taste

Treat Assassin:

  • Powerful crit(icism)s

  • Appears out of nowhere and identifies flaws and weaknesses you never would've noticed but now can never ignore again

  • Mysteriously fades into shadows when their own treats come under attack

Treat Mage:

  • Nuanced, insightful analysis, can find positive/negative aspects in just about anything

  • Flexible offensive and defensive options

  • Susceptible to bullying, avoids direct confrontation

Treat Paladin:

  • Likes good things

  • Doesn't like bad things

  • Simple as

  • Nobody wants to hang with them because they feel threatened by their moral superiority and obviously correct takes

Treat Cleric:

  • Long list of rules for not engaging with things that others find frustrating and arbitrary

  • Has one specific domain of treat they enjoy

  • Wouldn't watch a Miyazaki movie because it's anime

  • Somehow keeps being right about stuff

Treat Warlock:

  • "So bad it's good," cult classics

  • Will happily explain how their favorite treat is problematic in ways you never would've considered

  • Lack of practical effects their third biggest issue with capitalism

  • Nobody told them irony is dead

TYS, add your own

  • Philosophosphorous [comrade/them, null/void]
    4 months ago

    Treat Artificer - i am incapable of enjoying anything because i am preoccupied with ideas for what i would do differently to 'improve' it, my mind is a chaotic workshop full of unfinished forgotten creative projects and experimental prototypes that will likely never see completion.

    also if a media IP has Cool Mechs i will enjoy it regardless of other problematic aspects, for example Fullmetal Panic! is a lame generic show about high schoolers/child soldiers being awkward, but also has one of the coolest mech designs of all time with the cold war soviet RK-92 SAVAGE. i watched like 1 or 2 episodes and completely hate the show, but the mecha designs are just about Peak Robot Design for me, i love the diesel/gas turbine engine instead of nuclear power idea, i love the cold war aesthetic, i love the fact that the SAVAGE is made by soviets, i love the rounded frog-like appearance. I love that it has mechanical analogue controls (high-sensitivity panels on the cockpit seat to control limbs without needing to move limbs too much in the cockpit) instead of being partially autonomous. i don't like as much the fact that its the default 'bad guy' mech for the NATO mercenary child soldier protagonists.

    this is the older RK-91, powered by a diesel engine, note the up-armor panels used to modernize it, like putting ERA blocks on a T-60:


    this is the RK-92, powered by a gas-turbine engine:


    another fancier RK-92 (pic of a finished painted figure, not a model kit):


    here's a bonus interior/cross section view i found:
