dontsink [he/him]

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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: August 24th, 2021


  • dontsink [he/him]tomemeseletoralism
    3 years ago

    Since the ultimate goal of bourgeois "democracy" is to uphold capitalism, it always comes down to "bourgeois party pretending societal issues come from nowhere" versus "bourgeois party pinning the blame on a group / ideology". Even if you can successfully block the latter party once, the failings of the former party to address people's material conditions is a negative feedback loop for credibility.

    So it's frustrating either way. Without socialism, the only function of "democracy" is to delay the inevitable. Since I am not an accelerationist, I will take that option only if there is a legitimate, material threat to oppressed people. If only for giving time to organize resistance and getting people to safety.

  • Many propellant types are finite, often some of the better performing ones. Though we can and have made rockets entirely powered by liquid oxygen / liquid hydrogen fuels. We can get both components from water electrolysis, and when mixed and burned to power a rocket, release water as a reaction product.

    It's not unconceivable to power a hydrolysis plant and cool the fuels down to liquid form entirely using solar energy. The water produced by the rocket eventually returns back to earth (unless the rocket is far enough away).

  • ADHD comrade here, I always tend to get distracted while watching stuff, and I'll take my eyes off the screen quite a lot. With dubs I can still follow by audio, with subs I have to keep backtracking because I realize 30 seconds into my distraction that I'd not understood a single thing.

    It's especially bad when I've not had my pharmacorp® productivitypills™

    Dubs are definitely just as important an accessibility feature as subs. Thanks for fighting the good fight

  • I actually created an account to chime in on this as a fairly recent aerospace grad.

    When I started my degree I'd say I was a mix of type 1&2; progressive on LGBT+ issues as someone figuring out my non-het sexuality, and an "unaware" reactionary centrist probably from being privileged enough to consider politics boring.

    The type-3 aero engineers, and exposure to new people from many different walks of life helped push me left. Almost as if I was reacting to the reactionaries. The further left I went, the more I was disgusted by those types of people. The kind who openly talk about military and missile tech as if it is the best thing humans produce. I'm still excited by advances in rocketry, I still love to watch Space X's launches because I've detached the technical side from the capitalist dystopia aspect. Behind those successful launches is the hard work of thousands of engineers like me, exploited by Musk.

    Eventually, I became so repulsed by the nonchalance that even the moderate socdems displayed towards the military industrial complex that I decided not to pursue anything aerospace related whatsoever. Even if you work on a civil airliner, any amazing advancement you make will go right onto the next military jet whether you like it or not.

    It was incredibly difficult during covid to find a job not in aerospace with my degree, but eventually got a paid research project on AI recycling sorting, before moving onto high speed rail systems.