friedchurros [he/him]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: January 6th, 2021


  • friedchurros [he/him]touserunion*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    Absolutely on ideology the rest absolutely not, there certainly are transphobic dog whistles, or light hollers like that recent non reproductive sex being bourgeois post (which is homophobic and misogynistic as well).

    Leftpol/stupidpol types are social chauvinists ruled by their emotional bigotries, asking someone to change how they feel (they certainly aren't ruled by any sort of logic there) about something they've likely held on to all their lives takes time. In trying to defuse them here, yes you're going to risk them dog whistling all sorts of things.

  • friedchurros [he/him]toMainMy Chapo Admin Two Weeks Notice
    4 years ago

    I just saw one with that whole reproduction outside of sex is bourgeois post that seems to have been removed. Quite a few responded to it. That's not just undiatmat and unhistorical, its offensive to trans comrades, the rest of the lgbt+ community, the impotent and post menopausal women to name a few. There's also a sense of even with pronouns of that reddit-dudebro, 'everyone on the internet is just some able cis guy, gonna scratch my balls here'.

  • Coca\cocaine, opium, and table sugar had a Captain Planet moment. The khajiits use it in their cooking, idk if they get high off their desserts or not. Moon sugar cookie high.

    Skooma makes me think of a mixture of harder drugs and maybe some bath salts or something sprinkled in.

  • There's also godlikeproductions, kiwifarms, some stuff on darkweb , local newspapers of small towns, and there used to be Stormfront. Yea Chud brain is amazing, on there they're an echo chamber as a group, but if you ever find one of them live in the real world (and not with their buds) they're surprisingly easy to 'disarm' as long as you avoid trigger words and treat them remotely as human. Lot of them are very alienated, very scarred, hurt people similar in some ways to those who end up falling victim to substance abuse.

  • Have to remember people that were literate back in the day were more adept at reading, since it requires practice and that was the entertainment aside from maybe radio and newspaper. So reading ol pamphlet was no big deal, or having it read by a friend. Lots of reading by friends.

    Conditions are different here in US 21st century there isn't a whole lot of functional literacy among the masses, I'd ass throw a much higher than official number like maybe 30-60% (corresponding to class factor as well) are functionally illiterate, unable to make use of much more than the basics. For reading theory you need to be at least proficient and would have to understand nuisance, subtlety, sarcasm, and even when to take things as they are. The bourgeoisie knows this, why you think the educational system is utter trash? If they can read and understand they can question. There's chuds on a popular conspiracy theorist forum trying to read the mere Manifesto and stumbling about like a fish in confusion and element. It's more sad than funny, and they use this misunderstanding to reinforce their reactionary views.

    Its a desperately alienated society, you're not going to have a friend read you a 50 pg text, even if they could it takes way too much time and isn't as entertaining as say laughing at a silly meme or watching a youtube vid. People are stressed, depressed, do you think they want to read a big ass book after a long shift coughing out a lung? Nah, not when there's other fun distractions.

    Its like some Trots fetishizing newspapers into the age of the computer, that's the past technology and situations change, where do people spend their time now? That's what to focus on. Get the message out, treat them as humans (alienation is dehumanizing) and if they have the ability and resources (time), yes point at the theory books. Even back in the day it was the vanguard, propagandists in party, academics and what not that focused on really being involved with theory everyone else just learnt enough to try to live it.

    It was the books themselves in my case and my fatal sense of curosity, this was before the internet got super mainstream as today.

  • Always have, its just a 'new' group of open fascists trying to fight off the old group that hides it better (take a smiling mask off a neolib and a fascist will stare at you). They were waiting for the right moment to have an excuse since one has a more bourgeois character and still cares about laws for the sake of property and saving their class from them, the other has been revitalized by a populist nature and is willing to ignore the law of its opponent friends and their companies to strengthen itself.

    No matter who wins poor broke bastards like me are still fucked to hell. People are already in camps, when it will be our turn who knows I'd guess under a decade at the rate of this collapse.

  • friedchurros [he/him]toMain*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    Ofc they come for the scary academic first. Copyright and the academic grant-publication wheel system exist to put down the prole and to hinder development past what capital can control.

  • My economics teacher in high school was a libertarian 15yrs ago and still is. Guy made us read Ayn Rand, he also made us read like 200pgs of Adam Smith which was a good foundation for reading Capital later on my own tho (and I remember complaining Smith was a better author). He dismissed Marx using pure Ricardoan criticism, we didn't read much of him. He was a total Ayn Rand fanboy and is one of those Gadsen flag types today.

  • friedchurros [he/him]toMainSocialist mastodon server?
    4 years ago

    Another shortgap of sorts could be a return to IRC (though can also get banned by isps). Other is the obvious try to move hosting away from five-eye countries, ideally in multiple places around the globe.

  • Gotta start somewhere, here's my horrible take: bad as it is social media and the likes on the internet are the newspapers of our time (cuz even less read those dead tree to flesh these days than watch your random Youtuber). We can't have access to other common media in this horrible place, no radio, no tv, no movies etc, this is the first modern medium the everyday person has even fleeting abilities over. If you can at least somewhat awaken 1 person its progress, not make them even principled, just get them a little more situational awareness than the average. Gotta have a foundation of sorts first. I think this whole "truth-seeking" reaction by the conspiracy community is partially driven by just an outward drive to fill that mental need for stimulation and awareness, but it fills it with dyed shit with pretty broken glass pieces instead.

  • friedchurros [he/him]toMain*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    Join the club, always shocks me when I read comments acting like poverty isn't something that happens in the US nor is discrimination and feel good fluff laws with a 100k upvotes won't change that. I deleted my reddit accounts a while ago, my blocked user list was massive.

    With a big enough antenna many can probably get 'free' internet off the library, hospital, or McDonald's. Really crappy and prone to drops, used to do gaming (mostly pvp stuff at the time) off a Denny's that had wifi that was by my house when I lived in the city.

    I make up for having an old pc by playing old games, you couldn't play all the games between 90-10 in an entire lifetime. Then there's games just made for old pcs like roguelikes. Online I'm limited to private servers being poor, on an old rig and had a bad experience with a server was so toxic I dread online games now lol.

  • 100% this, too much data no way to process in a meaningful way. Think about it in logistics, have to monitor and predict 330 million people with only a few million tops, fledgling AI ability, and a bias so intense it causes fog of war and squanders the vast majority of their resources minus feel good factor.