I hate this fucking tool and his shit takes more than I hate the Clintons and the Trumps put together
You should either switch to Linux or upgrade to Windows 10 immediately, because Win7 isn't getting any security patches, it's literally a hacker's paradise.
My recommendation is Linux Mint if you've never used Linux before. It's mostly similar to the Windows UX. And if you have to use some Windows software you can propably use them in WINE
So maybe stop simping for them and their racist imperialist segregationist anti-abortion war criminal presidential candidate
*Your slave who's had a nurse's education. Fixed that for you Chrissy
The Baader Meinhof Complex . Propably not surprisingly as it tells the story of a Red Army Faction cell, but it's a great movie. It also got nominated for an Oscar.
It's been few years since I last watched it, but I thought it played the whole thing without taking any sides.
Holy shit I didn't even know that SRS was still a thing. The original reddit boogeyman boogeyperson sub
But what about the anti-semitism of these so called "pro-trans" "journalists"? The letter E in TERF stands for israEl, after all
Literally they're the only fucking publication in the US that's consistently against the Amerikkkan imperialism
At least the grayzone is 100% against imperialism, every time.
It's from Parenti's "Blackshirts and reds", a great and easy to read book
But what about the authoritarianism? Oh wait I literally wrote the book about it! Damn, can't wait until my good friend Karl get's here and we can get drunk and talk about his new idea, that he called "superstructure"
Music is a spook
He's a right wing terrorist, so not cool at all. In fact he's the oppposite of cool