gordon [they/them]

  • 1 Post
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: March 12th, 2021


  • Secondhand products are in a gray area, because there’s not a clear consensus on it. Personally, i don’t use those, because i don’t want to spread the idea that those are commodities. Even if it’s secondhand, wearing the skin of an animal as jacket shows that it’s an acceptable behavior. It’s the same for backyard eggs. Of course those chicken aren’t exploited like the vast majority of chicken, but eating those eggs would perpetuate the idea that eggs are food. For example, i wouldn’t eat my pet that died of old age. It isn’t food, it’s a corpse.

    As for honey, it’s definitely not vegan. On a lot of regions, honeybees aren’t a native species, and they’re imported to produce honey for humans. In the same time, they decimate populations of native bees, that are far more important for the ecosystem. Also (and i’d like someone to confirm/source it), some honey harvesting techniques are quite brutal and aggressive for the bees.

  • i’m not fan of bean patties in burgers, because i don’t think the texture goes well with the bread. So i often make mock-meats in burgers, but since that’s not what you want, i’d suggest: mushrooms. Cut the food of a large mushroom (portabello if you can find one), fry it with some oil in a pan, flatten it and return it regularly. Deglaze with soy sauce, or tamari, and add spices that would go well with the rest of the burger. Then, optionally, you could bread it and deep-fry it, or just use as is.

    For the sauce, i often use a generic mayo base, that i customize with the flavors i want in my burger. Let’s settle for a spicy and smoky tomato mayo, for example. In a bowl, put ¼ cup of canola oil (or any neutral oil), ¼ cup soy milk, and 1 gram of xanthan gum (it may work with different gums, but i haven’t tested it yet). Mix it really quick for 2 minutes (with an electric beater). Then add two tablespoons of tomato paste, a teaspoon of liquid smoke, a teaspoon of Dijon mustard, a teaspoon of salt (you could use Kala Namak black salt for an extra egg flavor), half a teaspoon of lemon juice, and a quarter teaspoon of cayenne pepper, then mix a full minute again. This sauce will hold quite longer in the fridge.

    Then for the veggies, some salad is always welcome, and you could put sliced red onions and dried tomato in oil. Adding a vegan cheese is not necessary, but it would add a pleasant taste and texture. I have many melting cheese recipes, but they’d be quite harder to make compared to the rest of the burger