grilledSoldier [he/him]

  • 7 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2020


  • grilledSoldier [he/him]tomain*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    Exactly, there is still things we can do, but we wont be able to do any of the much needed things under capitalism at all and we also dont have much time to do something anymore, so its still really fucking urgent.

    (An idea for example: go full hydroponics with hydroponic farming skyscrapers in cities, abolish most normal farmland and let woods grow everywhere where there were farmlands before. It provides pesticide free food and a great long lasting carbon safe.)

  • grilledSoldier [he/him]tomainGamercide when?
    4 years ago

    Seriously, multiplayer games are nearly unplayable cause of the "culture" that has grown around it, games would be so much better without g*mers.

  • Well fundamentally, their goals and the republicans' goals are not far from each other and the gop doesnt need to pander to libs' civility etc. whilst working towards these goals. So the dems letting the gop win the election whilst looking like they are fighting against it is win-win for all relevant elites in the us and especially good for the dems, as the things their sponsors want get accomplished really fast and they still get to keep the moral highground and pose as a resistance against the right, so good pr. Atleast thats how i see it..

  • Technology is potential, it isnt skewed towards ideologies (excepts in regards to anprims or stuff like that). So yes, under capitalism, its potential is used to make capitalism even worse, but it can also be potential used towards a future worth living.

  • grilledSoldier [he/him]tomain*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    I think it was more about not wanting to have to type out the whole theory in a comment? And i dont use social media except chacha, i wont start because of that.

    By the way, why are you so pissed? O_o Everything okay? Need to talk about something?

  • grilledSoldier [he/him]tomain*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    I dont think anyone is against trying it, go for it if you want, its just that it will very likely not work, so using important resources on it is wasting these resources. Plus, every time it is tried and doesnt work, people grow less optimistic towards it.

  • As far as i remember, ni was one of the places with the highest anti-brexit voting percentage. And the tories seemingly dont give a shit about it and will definitley throw it under the bus for brexit if needes. Im just not sure how many in ni have realized thst yet? And im not sure how the unionists will react to that. I think a lot of the societal fault lines are still slumbering beneath the surface, but im not sure.

  • It will be hard to get away from the eu either way, as its so important economically and leaving, as seen by the example of the uk is a nightmare. Additionally it is a great tool to prevent inner-european wars, as many of the eu programs work as shared investions. The main problems are the influential power of corps and the defacto control over the european countries and the partly cirvumvention of the countries constitutions. And the only cases where it cant control countries is when keeping the fash under control (hungary and poland). Also the thesis that the eu is just a tool of german imperialism (i would personally add most of the northern european countries to that) is quite strongly supported by evidence.

    Overall the eu is a neoliberal shitshow, thats terrible for european democracy and is way to heavily controlled through multinational corps and can to easily cirvumvent national constitution. Additionally it suffers from the same problem as the un when it comes to keeping fash at bay, cause of single country vetoing being that powerful. Whats great about the eu is how it lowers risk of armed conflicts in europe.

    The main problem i see is, that its suicidal to leave as a single country. Another relevant thing is, that the only countries that are trying to leave are doing so because of nationalism, as there is nearly no powerful enough leftist euro-critic groups to really have relevant influence at all. So for now it looks more realistic to me to try and influence the way the eu works. Additionally though, we need to create an eu wide (or atleast in many countries at the same time) euro-critic leftists movement, so that when the times or need comes, a lot of countries can leave at the same time and instantly start a better alternative to the eu instead of suicidally solo-leaving.

    Edit: plus, i dont want to return to nationalist europe at all, the risk for armed conflict would skyrocket and we dont need wars in europe, they'd destroy the economy and more importantly european relations for decades!

  • grilledSoldier [he/him]toeurope*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    I mean, thats like a 1 on 1 copy of the panopticon concept, truly no wonder no one wanted to live there. Otherwise it reminds me of an oldschool version of the hollow tower in johannisburg a lot.

    Edit: from the outside it looks really cool though, i dig the architecture of this time.

  • grilledSoldier [he/him]toeurope*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    Adam angst (german punk rock), russkaja (from austria, based on ska and partly russian folk rythms etc. afaik), grausame töchter is also quite interesting (i can see how you wouldnt like that at all tbf). I think russkaja may be quite well known outside the borders?

    Most german bands i know and listen to are already known outside of germany.

    Maybe also some rap bands, that are supposedly quite good and have interesting texts (not sure about these, i listen nearly only to metal): KIZ, Alligatoah (really mainstreamy i think), maybe 257ers

    I'll think about this a bit more, but thats what came to my mind rn..

    Edit: ASP is amazing too, but as with russkaja, there may be quite well known abroad already?

    Edit2: not really sure about most genres, as i said, i mostly listen to metal, but most german metal bands are quite well known already i think

    Edit3: saltatio mortis!