itappearsthat [he/him]

  • 161 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: February 23rd, 2024

  • itappearsthat [he/him]tomemesU.S. Soldiers be like:
    18 days ago

    I tried to talk/pay attention to him as little as possible so I never engaged him on that topic. He also really didn't like me because

    CW: abuse

    I was the friend his gf called in a panic when he was yelling at her then blocked the door so she couldn't leave

  • itappearsthat [he/him]tochapotraphouseThe One-two combo
    18 days ago

    this is a very funny screenshot but I will be pedantic and say businesses allying with the far right due to fear of mild left-wing policies is not a phenomenon unique to neoliberalism; what is unique to neoliberalism is the far right achieving popular appeal due to an absolutely useless neoliberal party that kills everything to its left and governs the same way as everything to its right

  • itappearsthat [he/him]tomemesU.S. Soldiers be like:
    18 days ago

    one time one my friends was dating a troop and his only contributions to conversations was sitting in the corner darkly making some oblique comment about cruising down a river on a boat shooting people

  • just pure treat brain. "let's see how far the human body can go" okay what about the athlete's health? no? the well-being of the person producing your entertainment means less than nothing to you? ok. "well they're making a choice to take that stuff" yeah when you feel like you were put on earth to do one thing incredibly well, gifted the ability to turn your body into a work of art in motion through time, and the only route available to you for expressing that requires you to take a bunch of life-shortening drugs with terrible side effects, people are gonna take those drugs.

  • itappearsthat [he/him]
    togamesI have achieved flickstick mastery, AMA
    19 days ago

    It does require fiddling, and learning steam's controller menu pretty well, including adding layers to work around parts of the game that use the right thumbstick for stuff other than camera movement. However, now that I've gone to the trouble of doing that I do think it's worth it. I was never really one to fiddle with controls before this. I wonder whether flickstick also works well for third-person action games.

  • itappearsthat [he/him]tonewsNoam Chomsky is alive
    19 days ago

    RIP to him, obviously we all have our criticisms but reading How the World Works in my mid 20s was literally my first real encounter with leftist ideas, the first crack in my worldview that the US was a moral leader marching everyone to a bright future.

    edit: actually he's still alive, EAT SHIT YOU TURBOLIB TRAITOR

  • itappearsthat [he/him]toveganInteresting graph
    19 days ago

    Granted it's verging on toxicly masculine but I've taken to challenging people who say they need to eat meat "for the protein" to an arm wrestle and I have not lost yet

  • why the fuck do I live here. honestly this is a stupid petty thing to consider as a tipping point but this country is heading in a very stupid direction. At least I could be like "well obviously this place sucks but China is doing cool stuff" but now they're trying to cleave the world in two and trap me on the boring fascist side of it.

  • I'm sorry but I'm a hater. I got into season 2 or 3 before realizing it was actually dogshit. To my credit I had not yet been inoculated against JJ Abrams' empty mystery box nonsense plots. Of course they all have strong openings, that's the entire point. It's easy to make strong openings because the audience can sense the trajectory of the plot and see it's heading somewhere totally beyond what they can imagine. Except it actually isn't, the author is just lying. He suckered you into boarding an airplane that he never had any knowledge or intention of landing.