kulak_inspektor [comrade/them]

  • 12 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: May 18th, 2021


  • it’s not as if this episcopal congregation or the episcopal church at large can force the government to relieve debt

    Then they should shut the fuck up about their donations and advocate for socialized healthcare. Does it matter to tell your fellow christian how many souls you saved? Why not save MORE FUCKING SOULS.

  • I dont think established churches are just communities helping their neighbors. By "buying a politician", I mean why hasnt anything materialized from established churches in the way of structural change. I dont see churches bending over backwards to advocate for socialized healthcare.

    I dont mean that people are using the church donations for a write-off, but could people be using that debt relief NGO mentioned in the article to write off taxes? Isnt the church actively contributing to that NGO ecosystem of "non-profits"? Theyre not a community coming together, they dropped off two massive bags of money to some group that I have to assume didnt pocket some of the donation. And this isnt even in an effort to get people material resources, its too RELIEVE DEBT, something the government can just do.

    And heyre not taxed either, which is something we might have to do if we socialise healthcare :soviet-hmm:

    Maybe I'm grossly misinformed, but until then I will uphold neo-taborite thought :jesus-cleanse:

  • kulak_inspektor [comrade/them]tochristianityDoing God’s Work
    3 years ago

    Yeah, donate to people in need, yeah, good thing they did it, yeah...

    But how is this any different than a feel good story about a private business paying off debt. They allocate 10% of their donations to this program. Or to outreach, its unclear. So, I guess the rest are also going to MASSIVE charities I'm not hearing about? They also donate through an NGO, so theres plenty of tax right offs for someone here.

    Why dont they just buy some congressmen to eliminate medical debt? :whywhywhywhywhy:

    Say whatever about the evangelicals, at least they sincerely believe every insane thing they tell you about the prosperity gospel. Catholics and all our protestant copycats just fucking lie to your face. I read some about the church in N. Carolina. I do like what I hear

  • kulak_inspektor [comrade/them]toliterature😔
    3 years ago

    Well yeah, but I want to know the history. It reads like he said some weird stuff about Jews after Israel's invasion of Lebanon, but I didnt know what else he said

  • kulak_inspektor [comrade/them]tohistoryFuture so strange
    3 years ago

    To indulge in some wonkery, this is a future where the empire succeeds in building a pro-imperial pro-"democracy" coaltion to dominate the EC. It looks like Amerikkka annexed all the trouble spots in the world and made each a state. Its the "if you two cant stop fighting, I'm taking the land" approach to conflict resolution. America has also used its dominance over a collapsing England (shown to be a void on the map) to encourage Anglo and Anglo colonized parts of the world to seek statehood. Dems also divide states up and merge some to consolidate power. They run a populist, Mr. Nas X, for president with a conservative for his running mate, ala Trump2020. AOC is a BIG, FAT, MESS.