lakeradio [he/him]

  • 10 Posts
Joined 5 years ago
Cake day: July 27th, 2020


  • lakeradio [he/him]toMain*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    Idea for a grift: Do a kickstarter/gofundme/patreon to use a projector to beam the text "You're fired" onto the white house or if thats not allowed, some other building that symbolizes Trump. For a 45 dollar donation (get it) you are able to write a 350 character message that will be displayed for a 60 seconds. For 80 dollars you can add either an audio clip or a photo. For like 500 dollars you can have a 60 second video. Maybe make the prices higher so only rich libs would waste their money.

    MAYBE make it bi-partison. Encourage Trump supporters to participate to support him. Basically @ing the president irl. It'd have to be livestreamed.

    Then donate the money to something good or keep it or give some away. I would do this but I am unable to travel/lazy. I do have a pretty powerful projector and the ability to put together a powerpoint or video in final cut or whatever. Feel free to use this idea butI think it'd have to be set up today when everyone is irrational.

    It just seems like something useless that liberals would love, yknow?

  • lakeradio [he/him]toMain*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    Everyone is different. I take it less recreationally and more therapeutically. I have issues with arthritis and take it daily because it helps me get out of bed. Since it's an opioid, it does have addiction potential, especially if you start using it with a tolerance and dependency on opioids. I find, well, found it to be extremely helpful. I've been through withdrawal before and for me it's debilitating. I'm pretty scared, tbh.

  • lakeradio [he/him]toMain*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    Day 1 of kratom withdrawals (not quitting willingly, i'm fucking broke), I couldn't get out of bed or eat. I don't know how I am going to operate for the next couple of weeks. I'm gonna fail my classes, i'm going to get fired. Lol so much for trying to better myself.

  • lakeradio [he/him]topoliticslol, He Fucking Did it Again
    4 years ago

    Not trying to be a know it all, I just found that on google. It's also literally all I read, so maybe the lady is still bad,

    I got the quote from here , i'm not going to read it. If anyone does, i'd be interested in hearing about her whole deal.

  • lakeradio [he/him]topoliticslol, He Fucking Did it Again
    4 years ago

    "Unlike Martha Washington, Abigail Adams opposed slavery and had favored its abolition in the early 1770s. While sympathetic to the slaves and the hardships they endured, "Lady Adams" was less compassionate toward the young nation's immigrant population."

  • lakeradio [he/him]topoliticslol, He Fucking Did it Again
    4 years ago

    Honestly the coolest thing a president has done. The kids probably loved it. Who in this country doesnt love eating absolute garbage? If Obama did it, people would love it.

    The photo is a whole other thing though. Art.

  • I'm so lonely and sad all the fucking time. And rightfully guilty about a ton of things. Everything is so difficult. I know it's difficult for everyone and everything is relative but my whole life i've had at least massive guilt and sadness buzzing in the background, even when I was genuinely happy. I try not to hate myself, but all the techniques I've learned about self acceptance and self love in therapy, books, support groups, etc - they all seem like just ways of tricking yourself, or coming up with convoluted reasons why You Are Valid. I don't value the same things others value. I measure success, happiness differently than someone who has bought into the capitalist system or for people like most people I have ever met - haven't ever questioned it. That's lonely. And sad. I feel it all the fucking time.

  • lakeradio [he/him]toMain*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    To afraid to ask anywhere else. I identify as both male and female, but mostly combined in equal parts, forming one androgynous third thing? I also feel like I am seen as that third thing by the people I am closest to (to varying degrees), even though I've never discussed any of this stuff with my family I feel like they get it. I haven't come out or anything, but I'm not really hiding it either.

    The other day, my mom accidentally called me "she", laughed and corrected herself and I said "either one works". Then she said something like "I know" or "we know". Not in an accusatory way but in a more affirming way.

    So, i guess my questions are: Is there a thing that I "am" like how people are genderfluid or trans? Am I queer? Is there a place for me in the "+" part of "LGBTQ+" or am I just a cis person who doesn't follow gender norms?

    I hope I don't sound silly.

  • lakeradio [he/him]toMain*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    Do you have a pinterest board goin? I did that when I wanted a ~new look~ and it was super helpful. Here is my board if anyone is pinterested in checking it out/doxing me. That site is like crack, holy shit.

  • lakeradio [he/him]toMain*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    Are any of you on twitter? Would you like to follow one another?

    [@:LAKE_RADIO ](

    ) I post about music, make wisecracks about politics and politicians@, funny stuff, sometimes funny stuff about music, etc. I'm posting some good stuff over there but no one ever seems to notice. Kinda seems (even more) pointless when no one sees or interacts with my posts.

    I've been doing this fun thing where I critique, analyze, review and rate Liberal Boomer memes, it's funny to look at them through an artistic lens.

    It's not a big deal obviously; it's twitter. But the people following me right now don't seem to like my posts, and maybe someone here would? I write this as I am falling asleep, sorru for any typos