mar_k [he/him]

  • 54 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: February 19th, 2023


  • mar_k [he/him]tochatSlurs becoming normalized in 2024?
    19 days ago

    i think that might just be twitter, but i have noticed a huge rise in casual homophobia from cis straight women (despite a decline in straight men) in the past couple years, at least in gen z

    on tiktok and ig reels, there's constantly a new way to call x group of straight men "gay" without actually saying the word "gay" (and they always claim it's not homophobic)

    "fruity," "zesty," "💅", "fruitcake," "closet is class," "gun pink," etc., the most annoying things you can think of. i've heard it out in the wild too.

    swear in 2023 it was like every month there was a new homophobic audio trend. "mmm, this one has a little sweetness to it," "de-nial is a river in egypt!" and the caption will be something like, "when he cares about approval from his guy friends more than his own girlfriend," or "when he says 'sorry' instead of 'my bad'"

  • Morrissey later apologized to Carroll during a subsequent meeting and claimed that she didn’t know the bag belonged to him.

    Morrissey initially said that she “flicked” water on the bag because she saw a bug on it. But she later added that she didn’t know why she decided to dump water on Carroll’s bag for months on end.

    Carroll says he first suspected Morrissey as she had been “nasty” to him for several months

    someone get this lady in congress, the people need our circuses!

  • mar_k [he/him]topoliticsIt's her turn.
    19 days ago

    zany xanax addict cop who laughs inappropriately and doesn't believe in a single thing or cold and condescending racist warhawk who laughs about 30% less?

  • mar_k [he/him]tochapotraphouse79°F "Heat Wave"
    21 days ago

    going outside for a few minutes in 80 isn't too bad, i just mean as an all day indoor temp with no air conditioning. the large majority of americans are used to AC while the large majority of brits are not. most americans used to AC would be whining even more than them if we lost it, if you personally have no problem with it, you're stronger than every american i've met lmao. literally every college kid in my state who didn't get an air conditioned dorm complains about it as if they're suffocating in the pits of hell

  • mar_k [he/him]tochapotraphouse79°F "Heat Wave"
    22 days ago

    26C is straight up nice day outside

    if you're used to living in a sun scorched hell maybe, as a north easterner USian anything close to 80F is extremely uncomfortable without AC

  • mar_k [he/him]toelectoralismBiden Is Underutilizing Kamala
    26 days ago

    hell no Klobuchar is scary and even less likeable, at least Kamala kind of has a personality. remember when she gave that story about killing a duck, or how she threw staplers at staffers? she's like pete buttigieg but even less charisma

  • The eurosceptic party nonetheless won a record 16.2% of the vote ... Just a week before the election, a policeman was stabbed and killed at an anti-Islam rally by an Afghan man who was not living legally in Germany, an incident which shocked Germany and could have boosted the showing for the anti-migration AfD.

    what is this bullshit journalism? AfD's been polling 16-22% for the past year and they're trying to pin it on something a random immigrant did last week?

  • i'm 20, and my early elementary experience was everything from gameboys and 90s pokemon to mario galaxy and adventure time to angry birds and youtube poop MLG brainrot. the gameboy because my parents couldn't afford a DS til i was 6, and 90s shows because my i got a tablet in 2nd grade and netflix/youtube had a lot of 90s shit.

  • i really don't get how it even helps their bottom line. like did IBM calculate supporting pride might attract a larger number of queer people and radlibs into buying their laptop than the number of bigots who'd genuinely avoid them for it? honestly doubt that with all the rabid chuds out there. are they hoping for some hate comments/people arguing under their posts in a "any publicity is good publicity" kinda way (boost themselves in the algorithm)?