• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 10th, 2023


  • Probably best to find a standard dev job and make a game on your own time as a passion project.

    I watch twitch streamers who make games, and this seems to be the way to go. I can't really judge through a screen, but they seem happy and excited to work on their stuff, and not burnt out by their day job.

    Oh, also non-compete clauses are going to mean if you work for AAA, you immediately can't make your own stuff anymore either

    Depending on your jurisdiction, these can have various degrees of enforceability. A quick look at the wikipedia page for them tells me they are mostly void in California. Although I suppose no one wants to get into a legal battle they can avoid.

  • If you use pacman you are using Arch repositories.

    Incorrect. There is manjaro, but there also is msys2, a windows program with the goal of making linux tools available on windows by recompiling all of them. That's very far from the arch philosophy and repos.

    And ubuntu and debian have massively different repositories. One of them gives you the actual firefox package, and the other installs firefox via a closed source backend, app store called snap, when you attempt to install firefox using apt.

    And then there is also the version differences, like debian stable is going to have much older software than ubuntu.

  • Asswipe

    Stooping to insults now, huh?

    Why not write your own bug-free grub then....

    Unironically good advice. Although I would probably just contribute to systemd-boot or refind so that it gets the features I want rather than forking grub, or writing my own bootloader.

    If you think reading about secure boot for 3 weeks is enough for you know everything about the subject, I don't know what to tell you.

    You can never know everything. But you can know enough.

    Besides, you walked in with no knowledge, simply telling me I was wrong. This isn't an actual rebuttal to the points I have brought up.

    You were never worth my salt anyways, go back to whatever dungeon you crawled from. You pathetic vermin.

    I was so "not worth your salt" that you made 6 replies to me. Sounds like you're crying some salty tears. Am I worth that salt?

    To echo your words from earlier in this thread:

    Sounds like cope to me

  • I don’t know enough about the subject of a secure grub to tell you how wrong you are.

    If you don't know, then why don't you shut up, yeah? I've spent 3 weeks researching this, even going as far to read the source of grub. Don't just assume you're right without doing any research.

    You think you are saying something smart here but I assure you, you couldn’t be more conceited. You are maintaining a patch of grub for a bug that grub has no idea it exists. And you claim not to have time to fix your installation…

    I have the time now. Classes are just getting started. But I'll be busier in the future. Due to the way that arch is setup, this is easier than signing everything, plus I get instant restores.

    And it's not a bug. It's intended behavior for systems like high value servers where security is valued over all else, to prevent privilege escalation by an attacker exploiting a kernel bug to load more kernel modules or taking advantage of a similar exploit. But for my desktop system, such an attack is not in my threat model.

  • Sounds like cope to me. You don't get to tell an attacker which component they can attack when you have misconfigured your security guards.

    There is only a single thing on my system unencrypted: the grubx64.efi binary. This binary is verified via secure boot. Unless an attacker can break luks2 encryption, they cannot get to anything else.

    I keep the LTS kernel around for that

    Did you read your own post? The lts kernel was affected too. That's why I used it as an example.

    anyway, a simple chroot should allow me to fix any problems.

    You could also just nab the older kernel from the archive or something, if your system still boots. But I don't want to have to do that. I have better things to spend my time on then going through the pain of disabling all my security features so I can chroot into an encrypted system.

  • Sounds like you are intentionally breaking secure boot code in grub. If you can’t see why this is a problem, maybe you shouldn’t be using secure boot.

    I understand why this is a problem, or would be on systems where much of the initial stages of the system are left unencrypted. But because literally everything but grubx64.efi is encrypted, there is no need for them to be verified. Only grub, which asks for my password for the decrypting, needs to be verified. This behavior is intended for systems that require more security, for example, to prevent unauthorized loading of drivers by a malicious attacker. But I don't need or want that.

    Nope. The post is proving how ill-equipped grub is to support modern features such as secure boot. Grub is very much legacyware at this point. New security features are being developed over at systemd land.

    I have no doubt that system-boot will get the features I want, and that grub will probably never get things like tpm auto unlock. But I don't use software based on what features they will have, I select software based on what features it currently has. And right now, grub has features I need, that systemd-boot doesn't have. That's just the reality of the situation.

    edit: went through your profile history and you literally made a post of where my setup would be useful, the one about the amd regressions. Oh no, if only you had a setup where you could instantly reboot into an older kernel, with one click. But you don't, so you just have to take the performance hit, or go through the hassle of restoring an entire backup either from the local disk, or worse, from another machine/disk. ;(

  • Why not tinker in a VM if that’s the case?

    Can't test battery life in a VM. Also uses up too much resources.

    Fedora Silverblue or MicroOS

    It's a bit of a pain to get my favorite optimizatons and customizations like uksmd or zram set up on immutable distros.

    I got it working, using this guide: https://wejn.org/2021/09/fixing-grub-verification-requested-nobody-cares/.

    Certainly an unorthodox grub hack, but it's replicatable and it works. Maybe in the future systemd boot or the refind will gain the features I want. Until then, only grub offers what I want.

    If a grub update ever breaks this, or maybe just to futureproof this, then I'll probably just use Arch's PKGBUILD, makepkg, and patch tools to patch the grub_efi_get_secureboot function of sb.c so that grub always thinks it's not in secure boot. And maybe put that version on the AUR.

    I think this post is you learning the hard way, there’s no such thing as a one step process in Linux.

    No, this post is me proving everybody who told me to switch away from grub, (despite my insistence that only grub has the features I need) wrong.