morbx [he/him]

  • 1 Post
Joined 5 years ago
Cake day: July 27th, 2020

  • I don't see how creating an "independent socialist party" will fix that. AOC and the Squad veer towards imperialism because they are social democrats engaging in a bourgeois democracy in the world's largest imperialist power. If you created an independent socialist party, you would still just have social democrats engaging in that same bourgeois democracy. They might call themselves something different or use some different rhetoric, but they'll be subject to the same forces that make "the Squad" incapable of actually posing a challenge to capitalist power.

  • morbx [he/him]totactics*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    guys this isnt funny

    i am horrified that putin will see this as a sign of weakness and launch an attack on american troops

    because that is absolutely a thing that happens

  • Western intelligence alleged he was the man in charge of Iran's nuclear programme, Project 111. Western powers claim Project 111 is or was an attempt to create a nuclear bomb for Iran, though Iran has proved on usual occasions via IAEA observers that its program is solely for civilian purposes and that the information provided by Western intelligence agencies is fake or forged

    more like he died trying to provide civilian nuclear energy for his country lol

  • little bit of both. your typical republican voter is some old boomer guy who has election day circled on his calendar two months in advance, so you don't need to convince him to turn out. Republicans know that, which is why they always try to make it harder to vote. I can't imagine the "vote "rhetoric did anything but help the dems, who always lose in low turnout elections.

    on the other hand, you're right that just maybe turnout would be higher if the dems had any actual issues to run on, or any motivator other than "its the most important election of your life and if you dont vote you are a terrible person"

  • morbx [he/him]toMain*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    They're definitely smarter imperialists. If getting rid of the draft was the biggest stroke of genius for US empire because it removed the domestic costs for starting a war, then being able to conduct your interventions solely via remote airstrikes is the next biggest. And it's awful because the NATO-led bombing campaigns of Libya were absolutely just as devastating in terms of humanitarian consequences on civilians as the Iraq war was.

  • morbx [he/him]toelectoralismFinal Debate Watch Mega-Thread
    4 years ago

    i love that the litmus test for healthcare is this shitty law that hasn't done a single thing to control healthcare costs, which are really the only thing that matters

    dems love to beat you over the head with "we gave 20 million people insurance!" when people are still going bankrupt with medical bills lmao

  • morbx [he/him]topoliticsRuth Bader Ginsburg dies at 87
    4 years ago

    say what you want about RBG but its not good she died. So just when I'm thinking I might be able to share some common alarm with the illustrious libs of r/politics, we get nuclear takes like this and peak russia brain lmao

  • morbx [he/him]topoliticsRuth Bader Ginsburg dies at 87
    4 years ago

    There was nothing Obama could've done to push through Garland, it was totally up to McConnell. The real reason they are controlled opposition is because you can bet your ass that no democratic senate majority leader would EVER think of doing that under a Republican president.