neko_wafer [she/her,any]

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Joined 5 years ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2020


  • neko_wafer [she/her,any]toMain*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    Hey that sucks... job searching really is its own job, it's a lot of time and effort so don't be hard on yourself if it feels draining... it is. And sometimes degrees don't happen because of Reasons, it's all good. One of my college friends worked at Best Buy for years. Not quite sure why... 😄 lo and behold one day he got a new job and it was not a shit retail job. I hope (and believe) you, too, can move on soon.

  • neko_wafer [she/her,any]tomemesNice hobby tbh
    4 years ago

    Yes, at More often they are tracking rare or unusual bird sightings. Some people check obsessively and will jump in their car and drive 2 hours at the drop of a hat, to try and see a bird. They are called "twitchers". Some birders are nice but a surprising number are angry middle aged men who channel their aggressiveness into watching birds.

  • neko_wafer [she/her,any]toMain*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    Try using a moisturizing soap like Dove. If you don't like any of the fragrances they have unscented Dove, that used to be my go-to for the dry winter months. I've used it all summer bc of the pandemic.

  • neko_wafer [she/her,any]toMain*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    Agreed, this is wild. How hard is it to go into account settings and click a couple of times. "I used to be leftist, but then asked me to opt out of pronouns."

  • My two cents is that, kind of along the lines of telling the police (something that, sadly, probably won't help much but might help a little), to tell a bunch of different administrators at your university. I see that you've alerted some of the campus authorities, I'm not sure how many of the following you might have tried but my advice is to try each of them for help also:

    your student org advisor (on the student life staff, not a professor), your academic adviser (if any), if you're living in the dorms your resident assistant/resident director/etc, the dean of students of your division, the dean of students for the university, the dean of religious life (you're being targeted for your religious views), the diversity and inclusion office, any sexual violence prevention staff or advisors (you are being targeted and you use she/her pronouns... possible gendered aspects to the harassment), the student or campus ombudsman, the Title IX compliance officer (again re possible gendered aspects), the campus police, the campus police community outreach officer (if any)

    Every university is organized a bit differently so yours might not have those exact things, and it might have other possible resources I didn't think of. Sadly it is often necessary to make multiple contacts because a lot of people are really mediocre at their jobs, and if it's not something that's specifically in their job description, they're not going out of their way to help you, or brainstorm about the kind of help the university might be able to offer. They'll just tell you that the help doesn't exist because that usually shuts up the student. Yet once the shit hits the fan and somebody actually gets hurt suddenly they change their tune.

    Set up meetings with them and summarize what's been happening, and then highlight that you were targeted for your religious beliefs, you have already been physically assaulted once, if there is a gendered aspect to the harassment highlight that, that this person has been making troubling posts on social media, and finally that due to your position as the leader of a student organization your whereabouts are publicly known and your org members are also at risk. And ask them where you can find help. Hopefully one of them will say, "I'm the help you're looking for" but sadly bureaucracy usually doesn't make things so easy.

    Oh yeah I remembered another thing... another option is any elected representative for your area. E.g. city council member, state representative, Congressional representative, etc. Sorry for the wall of text, I hope it might help a bit.