pasta [he/him]

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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: October 25th, 2021

  • pasta [he/him]tonewsUkraine-Russia Megathread 16
    3 years ago

    Basically means they aren't giving shareholders information on the financial impacts at this time. Generally companies when reporting earnings will give a next quarter-year outlook to keep shareholders informed.

  • pasta [he/him]tonewsUkraine-Russia Megathread 9
    3 years ago

    I've noticed all that too. I had to finally unfollow Robert Evans when he retweeted a thread talking about how unserious DSA is because of that statement for calling out NATO...

  • pasta [he/him]tonewsUkraine-Russia Megathread 3
    3 years ago

    I'm so lucky one of my first upper division courses was by who I assume looking back was a Marxist lol. Took a little longer than it should have but that course eventually forced the brain worms out, even if it took over a year after I took it for me to connect the dots.

  • It's becoming increasingly annoying to me seeing so many democrats/liberals just immediately hop on to just blame the gop 'voting' against infrastructure rather than raging at the state of the country where bridges continue to collapse (along with so much else collapsing rn) due to an economic system the US government props up where cutting corners (or flat out ignore problems) to cut costs and boost business profits is heavily encouraged. Begging these types to take a broader look at society one day. :amerikkka:

  • Your name, address, and birthdate aren't worthless comrade, they represent basic vital parts of your identity as well as where you call home or where you're from.

    It's worth more than a capitalist could ever quantify in dollars, and shouldn't be stored as mere records in a spreadsheet to sell to other capitalists to target you with their worthless products, let alone be leaked with other sensitive government IDs to god knows where because of their lack of care.

  • pasta [he/him]topoliticsCDC Director in Covid:
    3 years ago

    Pelosi: “We were very honored by his being there. He has a right to be on the floor as a former member of the House. I was happy to welcome him back, and to congratulate him on the courage.”

    Adam Schiff: “I look forward to the day when we get back to a Republican Party that’s once again a party of ideas and ideologies.”

    something something moderate wing of fascism (not that these two clowns are particularly moderate but point stands lol)

    edit: holy shit what an idiot: "This is actually a perfect example of why Progressives don't do well in Democratic politics - in order to win, you sometimes need alliances of convenience. Even if you don't really like each other, at this moment there is something you can do to help, so I'll take that help and run with it."

  • pasta [he/him]topoliticsCDC Director in Covid:
    3 years ago

    "I’m - cough - dying of curiosity how they’ll reply." Here's a thread that'll give you a hint. Liberal after liberal defending Cheney and shitting on anyone even remotely on the left saying 'maybe we shouldn't shake a war criminals hand.'


  • a few years ago equifax had a data breach giving out all this personal info/ssn for about 150 million people. they settled and if everyone filed a claim you might have gotten about a one dollar check. OR the ftc would let you use their more credit monitoring service for free for a few years. i'm not even joking

    courts only work to protect business profits. if a class action ever happened workers might get a 57 cent check while the company gets a slap on the wrist and a lawyer gets 8 figures.

    I was in a settlement regarding labor violations and got a check for like 50 dollars 3 years after I quit. I was cheated out of at least a few thousand dollars.. now times that by easily 2000 other employees. fuck the corrupt courts.

  • pasta [he/him]tofoodWhat's everyone drinking tonight?
    3 years ago

    Thank you! Took a good 4 years of going a few months sober, then back at it, rinse/repeat. But the pandemic oddly enough, since I used to drink heavily to cope with stress/anxiety, helped break it. Taking away social aspect of it for a good chunk of time made it way easier, and deadass I think quarantine helped move my alcohol addiction to video game addiction but I'll take it for now lol 🤦‍♂️ :gamer-gulag:

    And congrats to you too. I've had several acquaintances go through heroin addiction, withdrawal, and recovery, and from what they told me, I can't even begin to imagine how hard it is breaking that. Keep it up!