pepe_silvia96 [he/him]

  • 14 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 27th, 2020


  • pepe_silvia96 [he/him]
    tothe_dunk_tankFolks, please, if you can spare a few...
    1 year ago

    Beyond the kippah that varies from optional to required depending on the sect one belongs to, certain sects have a strict dress code for both men and women.

    But I'm fairly certain this person does not belong to any such sect, at least not based on the video thumbnails she has on her tiktok page. So I'm fairly certain she means this in the purely phenotypical sense, which to be honest with you is totally not 'visible.' Like, at all. Being a guy of southern euro-poor ethnicity, I myself have been clocked as jewish countless times which leads me to believe everyone just thinks anyone with a fucked up nose is jewish.

  • I didn't know who Rovics was prior to listening to that interview with Heimbach a couple weeks ago(I stalk the activities of 'reformed nazis' like Heimbach because I'm fascinated by how fucking stupid they are.) But whatever it is that made Rovics renowned on the left, he sounds to me like a naïve, gullible and somewhat dimwitted person.

    Heimbach made it abundantly clear that he was still in every sense of the word a nazi but all that shit flew over Rovics' head as he gushed over the idiot nazi's workerist platitudes. At one point one of them literally said they hadn't read much of Marx because his writings were too difficult and the other agreed. Then Heimbach the imbecile made a reference to Marx's 'On The Jewish Question' making it perfectly clear that that was one of Marx's many writings he hadn't read/understood by incorrectly projecting his own anti-Semitic bullshit onto Marx. The nazi said Marx wrote 'jews hold a disproportionate amount of power'(he didn't!) which, if you're familiar with nazis, you'll know is just a diplomatic way of saying a very different thing. Rovics made no objections. Heimbach made some toned down comment about 'whites' to which, again, while it was obvious what he meant, Rovics made no objection to.

    Idk why people even call these people 'nazbols', the nazi's themselves were what we would now call 'workerists'...Heimbach is following that playbook to a T. His understanding of socialism literally boils down to a friend-enemy distinction between 'workers' and 'capitalists.'

    anyways, sorry for the rant, but I don't understand why anyone would have enough respect for Rovics to give enough of a shit about whether he gets cancelled or not. I don't know what he's famous for but based on that interview he sounds to me like the worst, most dangerous kind of socialist(the kind that would defect to the fascist side once push came to shove)

  • despite various pleads from Moscow, both before and after the war started, for diplomatic resolution of the situation. All had been ignored.

    do you not see any problem in framing this in such a way that the aggressing force in the conflict is making the pleas for a diplomatic solution after the invasion? is demanding 'de-nazification' and de-militarization a plea or a set of war aims? and I'm putting 'de-nazification' in quotes because, frankly, if you believe this talking point from the russian side has any substance, I really do think you're buying their propaganda the same way libs buy the nato line. it's pretty much bullshit. ultra-nationalists are a dime a dozen throughout europe, and that includes russia. ultra-nationalists are the base of the current russian government ffs.

    whether you like it or not, the world is different as a result of this war. Nato has become more powerful as a result of it. buying into the russian state's talking points doesn't help any more than buying into the other side. matter of fact, it makes you look like a fool to the average person.

  • i've also heard that they have a pretty long history of covering up sexual assaults within the organization.

    also worth mentioning is that they've received like 40 million in donations from a tech billionaire named neville roy singham. That in and of itself isn't a bad thing, but all they've done with it is rent office space in downtown manhattan for a school and put gloria la riva on the presidential ballot across the country. Seems like a waste of recourses to me and I don't think much can be done by joining because there is a really rigid hierarchy within.

  • this whole issue is about whether or not the 737 max 10 is different enough from other 737 models to require a totally different license for pilots. and in my opinion it isn't.

    the feature and business practices which caused the the two crashes have been taken care of with software upgrades and new laws (there are redundancies in place in case of one angle of attack sensor failing and angle of attack information is no longer behind a 'paywall').

    the plane is safe but profitability margins on airlines are low enough that not paying for a new type rating has serious impact on the demand of the plane which is a bigger problem than safety...

    imo the problem here isn't politics or 'corporate corruption' but airline travel as a whole...trains, passenger ships and walking are more sustainable economically and environment wise.

  • pepe_silvia96 [he/him]tourbanismYES!
    2 years ago

    .08 is arbitrary as fuck. bullet to the head is unironically a better policy than the current policy of ruining a person's life with prison, revoked license or conviction since it'll make one more likely to drive drunk because alcoholism is a disease of despair.

  • pepe_silvia96 [he/him]toaskchapo*Permanently Deleted*
    2 years ago

    there've been some shake ups within the leadership of the organization the past 6 years and all those shakeups have led to an increased cultishness with chris cutrone at the center. and that man is pretty much a quack.

    if an interpretation of marxisn leads to this type of mystical shit you should be concerned.

  • pepe_silvia96 [he/him]tothe_dunk_tank*Permanently Deleted*
    2 years ago

    I'm not the brightest or most well connected of people but I think it's impossible to tell without some serious connections and skills. Intelligence money gets distributed from company to company as purchases/sales for services. In an age where so many businesses dress up the use for their service/product in MBA lingo, it's probably very easy to look like an innocuous company to the outside world when what you're really doing is using data you purchased from reddit to map out ideological trends and see if you can influence those trends with some tool you've developed.

    The proliferation of non disclosure agreements being forced on workers in the high income business world makes it even more difficult to tell. you will have your house foreclosed upon if you release info on sketchy shit your employer is doing.

    Is every clout-chaser an intelligence asset?

    that's the question that makes me take my tin foil hat off, because my answer is no. There are a lot of useful idiots out there. And if we're being honest, there's no shortage of them on 'the left.' There are western MLs out there who repeat pro-Chinese ideas that even the Chinese state would think is too optimistic and bullshit for Chinese workers to buy into. Yet they make good money while doing it.

  • personally I can't stand the show and its whole ethos. it's been full blown conspiracy shit from the start. It annoys me that it's spoken of so positively by so many marxists.

    There's no shortage of examples of state institutions hiding their true intentions behind a humanitarian mission, there's no shortage of capitalists using their wealth or intelligence connections to manipulate laws or completely disregard them, but you can't say you're concerned with systemic analysis when all you focus on is pretty much conspiracy shit.

    there's too many left podcasts out there that pull in absurd amounts of money and leave their audiences dumber for it. trueanon is one of them.