pixelghost [any]

I may be a little confused but I've got the spirit.

  • 3 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 28th, 2023


  • pixelghost [any]tochapotraphouseThis will totally work.
    1 month ago

    If only there was some kind of alternate mode of personal transport that doesn't require government licensing and registration....

    ... Ride a bike, you say? What, like a fucking communist or something?

  • Had no idea this forum even existed lmao. Absolutely bizarre to scroll through it and every other post is like "The Cybertruck killed my family and sliced my ankles and also the employees spit in my eye when they delivered it," inevitably followed by comments along the lines of, "Aw man, I'm still waiting for mine. Lucky!"

    Brain rot.

  • pixelghost [any]
    toelectoralismHow do you engage with Vote Bluers?
    2 months ago

    That seems to be a good personal policy, I think I'll adopt it going forward. None of the conversations I've had with these people surrounding this topic have ever really led to anything productive, and I thought it was an issue with me not being well spoken enough, but I see now that that's just the typical experience in our political climate right now.

  • pixelghost [any]
    toelectoralismHow do you engage with Vote Bluers?
    2 months ago

    Makes sense! I wish there was a way for me to get through to them in a way that they wouldn't just completely ignore, since unfortunately some of these are friends I'd like to keep (though maybe I shouldn't.) They're extremely sore about their failure to convince me to vote for the guy who said Muslims are motivated by "ancient hatred."