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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 14th, 2023


  • porcupine@lemmygrad.mltochapotraphouse79°F "Heat Wave"
    22 days ago

    It's an byproduct of this site's podcast fandom origin. Some people don't understand that Chapo's "bullying is cool" bit is comedic irony aimed at wealthy journalists and politicians on twitter who never actually experience bullying and just have no context for seeing negative feedback to their broadly unpopular opinions.

    It's also just common regional chauvinism. The same people here who say stuff like "just open a window dipshit, it's worse where I live and I think it's comfortable!" will go on to lament the seriousness of climate change elsewhere, then go right on to another post about low temperatures in winter and comment something like "just put on a sweater dipshit, it's worse where I live and I think it's comfortable!"

  • In her interview with that zionist, she had a lot of opportunity to absolutely shred that bullshit

    Sure she could've, but I'm sure the logic going on in her head was: "If I lose my cool and come off too aggressive, they'll just fire me and replace me with someone more explicitly Zionist. If I stay calm and professional I can ask questions that prompt the settler to expose her own bigotry to the audience without looking like I'm trying to do a debate instead of an interview. I'll get to keep using this platform to reach people and ask questions that others wouldn't." The joke is that it didn't matter at all because in the end they just fired her anyway because they didn't like a black woman's face while she was being slandered by a bigot.

    Maybe I keep wanting to see a new generation of black panthers, instead of someone who doesn’t want to cross the invisible line. Going against the imperial narrative in US media is hazardous to your career, for sure. There’s room for her if she wants to move left, but the forces of capital won’t let her use their media monopoly to undermine their interests.

    There's ideological room for her on "the left" (the limits there being her own class interest and political education), but lets not pretend there's room for her to have a career "on the left". The Panthers didn't organize a 501c4 to pad their resumes. People like BJG desperately want to believe they can turn meaningfully positive political action into a job that pays the bills, and it always ends up like this. To ideologically move beyond the limits of professional reformism, she'd need to accept that it's almost never going to come with a financially successful career. You can make a living, and you can be a revolutionary, but you can't make a living being a revolutionary in a capitalist framework. The contradictions will always make you choose one over the other, and a person's material conditions will usually end up being the deciding factor.

  • She's not especially impressive, I just can't help but pity her being continually hung out to dry in increasingly degrading ways by the systems she keeps trying to work within. A person in her position could live an easy and comfortable life like any other DC suit passively toeing the liberal line. She burns all her bridges with the DNC to be Sanders' press secretary after they've already fucked over Sanders once before, and Sanders turns around and disowns her when she doesn't endorse Biden. She can't get work in DC, so she uses some of her only remaining relationships to try to make a living as a podcaster by attaching herself to a Chapo host at the height of their success. The Chapo host gets outed as an alleged sex pest and ghosts her, with the scandal sinking the podcast. She gets a job as a talking head on a DC tabloid rag's pivot-to-video internet talkshow where they make her interview a settler colonist promoting an ongoing genocide. Gray stays professional throughout the interview, and they fire her anyway, not for anything she said, but because they didn't like her alleged facial expression after the settler accused her of being a rape apologist.

    Obviously she's a privileged imperial reformist whose politics are nothing special, there's just something surreal about how disproportionately her career seems to keep getting worse every time she fails to seig heil with enough enthusiasm. If anything, she's a living morality play for every DSA-adjascent professional "progressive" reformist: you can do everything "the right way" and this is still the best you can expect.

  • porcupine@lemmygrad.mltoUS News@lemmygrad.mlJoe Biden distorts D-day
    24 days ago

    Joe Biden correctly believes that US involvement in the western front was about directly securing future Nazi control of Germany from the Soviet Union once it became clear that no amount of private sector US funding and resources would keep the Nazi leadership in power. Joe Biden again wants to secure a weakened, dependent Nazi state in Ukraine from being liberated by Russia.