snott_morrison [comrade/them]

  • 81 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: September 13th, 2020


  • Nancy Pelosi, China and the Slow Decline of the U.S. Military

    Really interesting article about the decline of US military- namely that Clinton-era monopolisation has led to prices for hardware and parts being ridiculously inflated, which is currently and will in the future screw America big time, as China and other nations can produce stuff at cheaper and more realistic prices.

  • I’ve found People’s Dispatch to be really good reporting from the working class side of things (it’s a great website in general, Vijay Prashad is pretty involved with it. )

    And Middle East Eye has had a lot of coverage on it. They’re a pretty good website in general for Middle East news, sometimes skewing a little bit on the lib side but I still get a lot of good news from there.

    And im not too sure about UGTT, everything I’ve read seems to think they’re ok? But my knowledge is limited only by what I’ve read on them from People’s Dispatch, so if you have other knowledge let me know bc I’d love to learn

    I also came across this the other day but pursue reading bc it seemed pretty libby, with all the focus on “democracy!!!!” etc. Maybe you’ll find something good in there though

  • Yea oil prices ultimately somewhat depend on the fried brains of finance capitalism. There's obviously not an actual scarcity at the moment but Russia sanctions meant finance capitalists have pushed the price up. Europe may obviously have an oil shortage but that's literally just their bad decision, they could just choose not to have a shortage lol. It's happened pretty much every perceived oil "crisis" going back to 73, where there's never actually a risk of scarcity but oil and finance capital use it as an excuse to make more profit.

    Whether an OPEC increase would actually even make any difference to the international price, who knows. I think more than anything they're just trying to make it look like Biden's at least trying to do something lol. If Saudis had agreed, the media would be able to fall over themselves about what great "statesmanship" Biden's showing or some shit. Now with this plus what looks like a failure to drum up an anti-Iran alliance he grovelled to MbS for literally no reason.

  • Other than the usual artificial scarcity reasons, I've read a few people suspect that Saudi Arabia actually doesn't have as much capacity that they used to in the past. Could just be an excuse, but would make sense seeing as they've tried to diversify production in other areas in recent years.

    But yea pretty funny to see the US get owned by them knowing that they were literally a US client state in the past. Kissinger seething rn.