turbinicarpus [none/use name]

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Joined 5 years ago
Cake day: July 31st, 2020


  • turbinicarpus [none/use name]toMainCyberpunk good
    4 years ago

    i'm all for hyperbole but Daikatana was an unplayable mess on release. maybe you could say this for ps4/xbone releases but for PC it's just kind of underwhelming not unplayable

  • turbinicarpus [none/use name]toMain*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    they were researching the mRNA technique for a long time to treat cancer, so it was expected the technique would make a fuckton of money that way. there wasn't so much interest in using it for infectious disease afaik, until this happened. vaccines typically don't make much money. take for example the Lyme vaccine, so many antivax idiots sued them that it isn't available anymore. your dog can get one, but not you. because of course soaking yourself head to toe in DEET is a totally harmless alternative.

  • turbinicarpus [none/use name]toMain*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    this is why i think the hesistance on challenge trials are fucking asinine. if you can choose to fuck everyone by stopping herd immunity, someone else should be able to choose to risk it and help everyone else. the fact they did RCTs while bodies piled up doesn't mean crap, if something like 1/4 to 1/2 of medical "professionals" reject reality and refuse the vaccine despite it.

  • turbinicarpus [none/use name]togames*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    the corpse gib on drop bug is hilarious. you have to be extremely careful to only set them down on flat level ground. nonlethal does make a difference for some situations. for the cyberpsycho side missions you get paid less if you kill them. i think the nonlethal mods for guns are stupid, no idea why they are in the game. i just use the baseball bat, and i have heard the arm launcher mod has a tranquilizer ammo.

  • turbinicarpus [none/use name]togames*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    yeah i think for the random NPCs on the street it's more like GTA: VC than an WRPG. which is kind of a shame but also understandable, considering how many people there are. there are also not as many random places to explore with dialgoed npcs as in something like fallout 4 or oblivion. it's very pretty but most of it is a facade, you cannot go inside most buildings.

  • turbinicarpus [none/use name]togames*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    lag in combat, what a surprise. again, not even as bad as PS3 DaS. that was 15 outside of combat. nobody's saying it isn't janky. instead of downvoting everyone who doesn't validate your decisions, go pirate it and at least post some justified whines. we all have youtube, we don't need the reader's digest version from you

  • turbinicarpus [none/use name]togames*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    so your argument is they should have anchored the graphics to 2012 levels because the project started in 2012? i don't really get it. half life 2 started development in 1999, should they have tailored the game to run on a Geforce 256? i have not even seen one video of this game getting to DaS Blighttown levels of lag. Bloodborne can be laggy as fuck and that's at 720p, and it is very bad in that game as timing is everything. in this game you can pause time, it doesn't really matter. of course rdr2 looks better because the setting is mostly rural, so they have a lot of polgon count to spend on the few things that are on screen.

    edit: case in point, parent admits they haven't even played the damn game. g*mers are a blight.

  • turbinicarpus [none/use name]togames*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    again, what were they expecting? maybe this is just the boomer in me coming out, but i played half life 2 on a geforce 3 ti 200. it ran like a slideshow with lots of enemies, but i knew that coming in. i was just happy to be able to play it. if you play a game from 2020 on hardware from 2012, expect it to look and play like it's from 2012. i.e. 30fps is the upper bound. it's not a multiplayer game, so lag is just annoying not game-breaking.

  • turbinicarpus [none/use name]togames*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    which one? the worst i have encountered so far is the shooting contest with the 6th street rednecks. the second to last stage has the drink placed on the table in such a way you can't drink it without bumping the table and aggroing everyone unless you extremely gingerly hop onto the pallet which the table is standing on. i think they knew this because it autosaves every stage.

  • turbinicarpus [none/use name]togames*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    i feel like 90% of the pissing and moaning about this game is from people who have not played it. i also don't know what people were expecting on base PS4, it looks pretty decent for a PS4 game.

    i played it on PC, and it is not bethesda levels of buggy by far. i have not encountered one broken quest nor a quest that has corrupted my save. the worst i have had is a crash or two. i am doing every side quest, and the worst i have gotten is some odd combat entry bugs related to physics jank. that's it. everything else is minor visual bugs, like NPCs dropping from the sky during load. i wasn't even hyped for this game, it's just a constellation prize for not being able to play DeS remake for me. it's solid, i really don't understand the hate.

  • turbinicarpus [none/use name]toaskchapo*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    this. i realized most people that call themselves libertarians don't really give a shit about liberty at all, as far as it applies to people that are not like them. you can really tell by how many strain themselves into apologetics once the topic of how facist the police are and always have been arises. freedom to choose, unless it's the brand of boot on your head.